I bought fresh green beans at Fayetteville Farmer’s Market last weekend and decided to try my hand at green bean fries. Have you tried the green bean fries that are all the rage at restaurants? Breaded, deep-fried and dipped in some sort of yummy, rich, ranch-like dressing. They’re delicious because, hello, they are fried. My tasty baked green bean fries can be served as an appetizer or as a side dish. Guilt-free, people.
Baked Green Bean Fries!
- Two cups fresh green beans
- 1 Tablespoon buttermilk
- 1 teaspoon chopped garlic
- 1/8 cup Italian breadcrumbs
- 1 Tablespoon fresh grated parmesan not the dry stuff in a can!
- pinch or more of cayenne pepper depending on heat level you like
- 1 teaspoon toasted flaxseed optional
- Sea salt and freshly ground pepper
- Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Lightly spray baking dish with cooking spray.
- Trim ends from green beans but leave them long.
- Toss beans in buttermilk to coat. Mix in garlic.
- Mix flaxseed and cayenne with breadcrumbs and pour over beans. Toss. Place on baking dish and sprinkle with half the parmesan. Add salt and pepper.
- Bake for 10-15 minutes. Turn beans and sprinkle with remaining parmesan. Bake 10 minutes more (ovens vary).
- Turn heat to broil for final two minutes.
- Serve with your favorite creamy dip.
Serve with my low-calorie dill dip or your favorite ranch dressing. And I serve them in a Mason jar to make them fancy (because I don’t have one of those fancy restaurant cone thingys). Yes, Mason jars = fancy.
[tweetthis]Try my baked green bean fries in #MasonJars. Fancy, #healthy, tasty. @TasteArkansas #eatlocal [/tweetthis]
So that’s what’s going on in my kitchen (yesterday actually). Because we can’t eat a lot of fried foods and pretend to be healthy.
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
Musical Pairing:
Marvin Gaye, What’s Going On
That sounds like an Iowa State Fair food to eat on a stick.
except it would be fried? right?
Definitely fried. Your baked version sounds wonderful.
I’m making these the next time I have company! I love your presentation.
My name is Taska Leach. At one time I know this farm offered an aprptneice program. I wanted to know if you still do and if so what are the details of it. Please email me soon. Thanks.