What’s this? A Merry Christmas Sunday Letter!
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I’ve been on a blogging sabbatical. It wasn’t something I planned; it just happened during this “time is flying part of my life.” Seriously, Christmas is three days away, and I’m not sure what happened between Labor Day and today. Really, the whole year has been a blur.
No, that’s not entirely true. I’ve spent much of 2024 working on my next book, The Third Act of Theo Gruene. And now I’m taking a mini-vacation from Theo to enjoy the holidays and write this Merry Christmas Sunday Letter to you!
Sugared Cranberries
For me, baking is a way of celebrating the holidays. The aroma of cinnamon and orange, vanilla and brown sugar. Gingerbread cookies lining a cooling rack. Sharing treats with friends and neighbors. Remembering when Momma and Nana were always baking up rich chocolate and pecan pies for Christmas Eve dinner.
‘Tis the season to cook all our favorite foods!
Last week, I made delicious Oatmeal Scotties from the easy recipe on the back of the butterscotch chip bag. I also made sugared cranberries, which I think are fun to have on hand during Christmastime. They are so versatile! Drop one into your glass of wine or iced tea, scatter a few on top of your buttermilk pie, or pop one into your mouth every time you walk through the kitchen.
I followed THIS recipe from Natasha’s Kitchen.
P.S. Since I actually marveled at a live cranberry harvest this fall in Wisconsin, I’ve been obsessed with cranberries.
What are your favorite treats to make at Christmas?
Porch Christmas Tree
This cute little back porch tree makes me so happy. Since he’s a back porch tree, I decorated him with natural ornaments including an orange and lemon slice garland (my how-to HERE) and dried sea holly pods. Also for color, I added a garland of red wooden balls, which I’ve had for a hundred years.
The best part of having this little tree? It belonged to my friend/neighbor who is out of town for the holidays. She had undecorated it, asked if I wanted it, and of course, I said YES!
It brightens up the corner of our porch and reminds me of my friend. Also, it’s a great way to recycle a tree she no longer needed.
Favorite Books of 2024
I read 45 books in 2024 (so far), and here are my favorites!
- Sipsworth, Simon Van Booy ~ I tell everyone to read this book!
- The Frozen River, Ariel Lawhon ~ The history in this story is mesmerizing.
- The Safekeep, by Yale Van Der Wooden ~ Whoa. A twist I wasn’t expecting.
- The Women, Kristin Hannah ~ This latest Kristin Hannah is as great as The Nightingale.
- The Mercies, Kiran Millwood Hargrave ~ Strong women set on the edge of civilization = compelling!
- The Madstone, Elizabeth Crook ~ A fabulous Texas adventure set in the 1860s.
- North Woods, Daniel Mason ~ Such a cleverly constructed novel!
You can read my reviews on Goodreads.
What was your favorite book of the year?
What I’m MOST Looking Forward to 2025!
Yes, I am looking forward to the launch of my next book—The Third Act of Theo Gruene. I am finalizing my edits, (I know, I know, I’ve said this many times, LOL, but I really am!), and I hope this fourth story of mine will be in your hands by mid-year 2025. Fingers crossed…
I’m still working on the cover and would love to get your opinion on these two options…
- Which do you like better?
- If you don’t like either one, let me know that too!
Even though I can’t wait to finish Theo Gruene, the thing I’m looking forward to THE MOST is…
I’m going to be a Nana in 2025!
My baby is having her first baby, and I can’t wait.
With this incredible change to our family, I feel myself moving into a different life phase, one I can’t yet fully imagine but already know will make my entire world shine even brighter.
I can’t comprehend a greater joy!
Things Momma Says:
I suspect the thing you’ve missed most about my recent blogging absence is hearing the things Momma says. It’s okay. You can admit it. 😂
Just because I’ve not been sharing her pithy quips certainly doesn’t mean she’s not had plenty to say about a variety of topics.
Here’s a gem:
I have a great memory at times.
And another:
I’m not built for jeans anymore.
Bringing you this Merry Christmas Sunday Letter feels like a gift to me. I realize how much I’ve missed the entire process, and hope to be more consistent in the new year.
Thank you for supporting my writing by buying, reading, and recommending my books, inviting me to speak at book clubs and garden clubs, and simply showing up to read this post. I wish you a fabulous holiday + peace & love in the new year.
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
I like cover #1 the best but I think you should add the blurb you have on the cover of #2 “from the author of…”
Yes, for sure! (I had already done that but evidently posted a prior version on the blog…)
Congrats on being a grandma! I know, that sounds old. So pick a new hip name as so many do. I am Anny (instead of the granny or nanny they already had and it fits my name.) I like both of your book covers but not having read the book, I don’t know which fits better. The one on the left is mysterious (and of course makes me think of Boo Radley), but the one on the right is more welcoming. So I am no help. Can’t wait!
I’ll be Nana. It’s the name passed down for generations in our family. Thanks for your input!
Cover #2. Congratulations on the baby! MERRY CHRISTMAS
I was just thinking that I hadn’t gotten any of your blog posts recently! I was glad to see this one.
I understand about time flying by. It seems like Thanksgiving was just last week. I feel like I’m stumbling through Christmas this year, but come what may, we’ll celebrate here Wednesday.
Congratulations to all on that grandbaby coming. As I’m sure others have told you, there’s nothing quite like it. It will change your world, and your mom will doubtless marvel at Great Grand stage. We now now have two great grands, and they are dolls.
I’m glad you’re on the home stretch with your book and will be eagerly awaiting it. I like what Annette said about book cover designs.
Hoping to see you in person in 2025.
Thanks, Dorothy! Yes, let’s get together in 2025! It has been too long.
Hi Talya, and welcome back. Of the two, #2 is more appealing, but neither would drag my eyeball into the stacks quickly. The Bike in Accidental Salvation…”, was an eye catcher, for me, and I wonder if “third act” might feel like stages, curtains, masked faces? Or, knowing nothing about the book, something suggesting a bygone #1 and #2? Or, you can never go wrong with a puppy licking the toes of your new grandchild. Merry Christmas! Don
Thanks, Don! #2 is more easily visible as a Amazon thumbnail, and that’s important:)
I like 2 it fits you. I read your books because they are so enjoying, but smile because I know the author and your very special mother. Keep writing Lea
Thank you!
Your Sunday letters are always so uplifting. Keep them coming.
Thank you!
Cover #2 is more appealing. The other one doesn’t get me excited to read the book.
I just read The Accidental Salvation of Gracie Lee. It was delightful.
I have missed your posts!!! This was a great one.
#2 on the book covers – definitely seems more “you.”
Waiting for the release of this book, semi-patiently.
Merry Christmas and congratulations on the new grandbaby!!!
Congratulations on becoming a Nana! You will love it! I like the 1st Cover because you introduced us to Boo Radley holes… I look for them now. Merry Christmas to you and your family. I always look forward to your Sunday letters. Thanks for this one.
Thank you!
Hi Talya….so good to hear from you and all you are doing!! Congratulations on soon being a grandma (Tay Tay). I am leaning to #2 but one looks (interesting) …Merry Christmas!
Thanks, Lisa!
So glad to see a Sunday letter! I’ve missed reading about all you’re doing there in Arkansas. Congratulations on becoming a grandma. It is indeed a reward for growing older.
Congrats also on your upcoming 4th book. I started my 4th this fall but got sidetracked by life and now the holidays. Hoping to get back to it in January. It’s hard for me to stay motivated when I’m not exactly a bestselling author (sigh). As for your cover, I like both but it’s hard to choose without knowing the plot. Finally, thanks for the list of your favorite books this year. I’m always looking for suggestions. Oh, and I love the quips from your mother!
Thank you! Great to hear from you. I understand writing distractions – LOL. Keep writing because you love it, not because of sales status; that’s what I do:)
I am so very glad to hear from you this weekend. This is a crazy world that we live in. How wonderful to hear good news from you. I am the only one of the girlfriends without grandbabies. I am so happy for you. I like the more colorful cover, but I know that I will adore this new book. A funny thought just popped into my head. When I gave birth to our second child, my roommate added a 4th child to her family. When asked by a friend what she planned to name him, mama said Number Four! I love your mother and the way she expresses herself!
Haha thanks!
Hi! Congratulations on your new title! You will all be changed for good 🩷
At first glance, I’m drawn more to cover #2 than #1.
Another friend has a book coming out January 6, and I’m so excited for her! And I can’t wait for your next one to come out too! There’s nothing like knowing authors and loving their books!! 📚
Thank you, Kathy!
I love the picture of you and your mother. Her quips are generally right on target with how I feel….maybe it’s because we come from the same beautiful corner of the world.
Thank you and Merry Christmas!
Congratulations on your upcoming “Nanna-hood”. I so enjoy your Sunday letters and I’ll admit I really do love what your Mama says. I really like that book cover art on the right. Merry Christmas to you and yours.
Thanks so much!
I like the 2nd cover best.
Congratulations on becoming a Nana! It’s going to be great!
Thank you! I think #2 is the overwhelming favorite.
I can’t be sure which cover to chose without having a clue on what the story is about but I do like #2. I’m looking forward to reading it when it becomes available. Becoming a grandma is one of the best things in life and becoming a great grandma is extra special. I was always just grandma until the greats came along and then I became Grammy. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Choose. Lol
Thanks Colene! Your great-grands are adorable!
I am a Nana, welcome to the club. Congratulations, grandbabies are truly a gift, but they grow up far too quickly. Just yesterday mine were newbotns, now they ate 11 and 12.
I also like #2, it makes you want to walk into the book.
Thanks, Glenda!
Firstly, Congratulations on your family’s blessing! There is nothing on this earth that compares to seeing your child becoming a parents and then your heart just implodes with the love for your grandchild. I prefer book cover #2, it really is more appealing to me. Can’t wait to read it! I have missed your Sunday Letters and of course I’ve missed, What Mama says! I hope you and yours had a very joyful Christmas Season and I’ve never tried sugared cranberries!
Firstly, Congratulations on your family’s blessing! There is nothing on this earth that compares to seeing your child becoming a parents and then your heart just implodes with the love for your grandchild. I prefer book cover #2, it really is more appealing to me. Can’t wait to read it! I have missed your Sunday Letters and of course I’ve missed, What Mama says! I hope you and yours had a very joyful Christmas Season and I’ve never tried sugared cranberries!
Thanks, Angie! I’m so excited about the blessings coming my way in 2025!
Congratulations! I’m a Nana to 7! It’s so much fun and you will love it! I am so excited for your new book! Keep them coming! I love all 3 of your books, but “Bernice Runs Away” was my favorite. I am almost 70 and still teaching!
Thank you so much! I am super excited about being a Nana. I can barely think of anything else LOL! And yay for teachers!