Dear Sunday Letter friends~
My family recently spent several days in Santa Fe, and oh my goodness, what a wonderful time we had! For over a week I was unplugged from social media, consumed no news or Netflix, did zero yard work or dog-walking (missed both though), and accomplished no real writing either.
Instead, I plugged into nature and art and food and music and family. Mainly, I got to see my KIDS!
It was a fantastic few days and a much-needed break from routine.
True story: I returned home with 392 new photos on my iPhone.
Remember when we took pictures with a camera, dropped off the film at Big Star (or wherever), and waited with great anticipation for the photos to come back in a handy little envelope? But then, what a letdown to open the long-awaited package only to see unfocused faces, heads cut off, eyes shut—proof of our vacation forever marked by a poor picture-taker and/or a cheap camera.
What a time we live in.Continue Reading