There’s no reason not to eat a healthy and delicious breakfast. If you’ve got 29 seconds, you can dine on a gourmet-ish egg cooked in your microwave. This is one of my favorite quick breakfasts. Okay really you’ll need a full minute when you add in prep, but what a great tradeoff. One minute for protein and vitamins!
This egg is so simple.
Crack an egg in one of those small measuring bowls, the sort cooks use to line up all their ingredients on food shows.
Give it a stir.
Add your favorite spices. I added a smidge of tarragon, cayenne and freshly ground black pepper.
Stir again.
Cover with a paper towel and cook in the microwave for 29 seconds on high. (Every microwave is different. You will need to experiment to find out the perfect time for your egg.)
Top with a dab of goat cheese. I bought yummy White River Creamery (Elkins, Ar) artisan goat cheese at Fayetteville Farmer’s Market. (Follow White River Creamery on Facebook.) They are an Arkansas Made & Arkansas Grown company.
I added a few currant tomatoes from my sister-in-law’s garden and there you have it, an easy yet impressive breakfast. Oh and there was coffee, of course.
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
Even some microwaved bacon crumbled on top along with the tomatoes would keep it all healthy and delicious. I’ve been more focused on healthy and have found that 1 egg, 1 piece of bacon, 3 wheels of tomato is more delicious, more healthy, and fewer calories than cereal or oatmeal. (of course my oatmeal is flavored and my cereal is with some crunchy + 1/2 cup almond silk instead of milk).
Great post, Talya
Thanks Jane!
I like an egg for breakfast occasionally. As a dietitian once told me, eggs have gotten a bad wrap, but they are a great source of protein. I’ll try your technique.
Yes, I agree, for a long time people avoided eggs because of cholesterol. Now they are considered healthy again.