It has been a week, y’all.
We returned Monday from a weekend trip to Austin just in time for a whopper of a snowfall. The official measurement for Fayetteville was 8.95″. (By the way, I took the bright snowy picture above from my kitchen window at 1:30 a.m.! And we had hours of snowfall after that.)
For real, it was like the heavy snowfalls of my childhood, the wondrous type with fat drifting flakes that accumulated quickly and sent us sledding across fields and making entire snow families in the front yard.
Yes, as much fun as Austin held for us, I was glad we made it home in time for such a magical S N O W.
Emergency Kit
You know the saying…all that glitters is not gold. So true. The snow was lovely to behold, and it was even glittery. But the heavy snow brought down tree limbs all throughout northwest Arkansas. This translated into widespread power outages. Our home was without power for about eighteen hours. To make matters way worse, Gracie was sick all night (both kinds of sick, if you know what I mean).
Sleep was spotty for everyone.
We survived and our power was restored before the second night. Many in the area were without heat several days.
My takeaway (in addition to the gold and glitter aphorism) was this—I need to be better prepared for power outages. Yes, I knew exactly where my candles and lighters were, and John quickly located our battery-powered lantern. We have an abundance of blankets and quilts and plenty of wool socks and long underwear. The thing I didn’t have that I really really needed was a way to make coffee without electricity!
Mark my words, for future power outages, I shall have instant coffee on hand. In fact, I will have some before the wintry mix forecasted for Tuesday sweeps through.
Never Underestimate a Woman with a Hair Appointment
I consider the collision of a snow day AND hair appointment day to be very bad timing.
Question: Can’t a day or two separate such equally exciting things?
Answer: Sometimes, no.
Remember how our ancestors walked ten miles uphill in the snow to go to school? Well, I am that woman who donned her Icelandic garb and walked 1.28 miles (round trip) for a hair appointment.
And it was worth every slippery step.
Sure, I could have driven, but since my car was parked on the driveway buried under snow, and I was not interested in scraping the windows, walking seemed like the better choice.
Question: You have a garage, so why isn’t your car tucked inside all warm from the weather?
Answer: Because there’s no room for a car in our garage.
Question: Why?
Answer: Because our garage currently provides a warm winter home to numerous large potted plants, of course. 😂
My Spoiled Orchid
I swear, for the past few days, I have been carrying my orchid around like an infant. She will bloom soon, and so I am determined to baby her during these days leading up to such a long-awaited time.
For most of the year, she lives in the kitchen window. The kitchen window is my sunniest spot; however, take note of this friends—when the weather is cold, the windowsills become very cold too. (See how some of her bottom leaves look tired? I think they got a little cold before I took action…) So, recently she has lived on the dining room table, soaking up warm sunshine on sunny days.
BUT when the power went out, our house became oh so cold inside. For an orchid who prefers the warm tropics to gray winter days, she was not a happy girl. I mean, what sun-loving girl would be?
I moved her in front of the fireplace where a fire blazed.
On a cold winter day, my spoiled orchid quickly became the warmest “person” in our house.
Now that the heat has been restored, my orchid is back on the dining room table enjoying sunshine whenever possible. And I am waiting for her to bloom.
The Death of Tyre Nichols
My heart hurts. I’ve not watched the video, because I don’t need to see another young man being murdered to know there are a whole lot of evil people in this country who need to get their hearts and souls and minds right.
What will it take?
For so many, life has become a mere dream, while violence and death is expected.
Oh for sure, my power outage and sick puppy and cold orchid are trivial, whiney, insignificant things compared to a Momma who has lost her son in such a despicable, heartless way, at the hands of those sworn to protect us. Once again, I have no solutions but can only continue to try and better educate myself in areas of hate and poverty and crime and mental illness, to recognize we all walk different paths and to be empathetic rather than judgmental, to pray for healing and comfort for those who suffer, to not add to the fray.
Am I adding to the fray by even mentioning it? I wonder.
I will not pretend to understand the deep-rooted issues that lead one man to take the life of another (or to stand by, watch it happen, and fail to intervene), yet I will continue to mourn and get angry when it does. And I will continue to be grateful for my life, to count my blessings, while doing my best to shine a tiny bit of brightness in a few shadowy corners.
I believe when the bark of our lives is peeled away and we see and touch the heartwood of our days, we will understand how connected we all are. And how the murder of Tyre Nichols affects everyone.
Things Momma Says:
We are in a hell of a mess.
Friends, another Sunday is here with another Sunday Letter concluded. I hope your week is filled with peace.
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
P.S. Gracie is feeling much better!
I love snow even though I now live in Florida and never see any! But I remember the snows of my childhood in a northern state. It is a memory of fun and now as a retired woman I certainly know that “all that glitters is not gold.” And. by the way I loved Bernice Runs Away and even after a month of having read it I still think about her. She would have loved this snow and she certainly knew that “all that glitters is not gold.”
I’m so happy you loved Bernice!! Yes, she would have loved the snow too!
I love the snow, we only got a dusting in Northeast Arkansas and it melted by noon. This is the first year I’ve attempted to save my Boston Ferns, I managed to squeeze these in the front of my vehicle. So far so good in keeping them alive. My heart breaks for Tyre Nichols Mother, his family. After I watched the video I’m shocked that these officers treated another human so viciously! For some of us it’s a battle just to stay alive and when a death occurs unnecessarily it’s just incomprehensible. I agree with the things your Mama says, we are in a hell of a Mess! I’m glad Gracie is feeling better, my mini schnauzer Bella is in my lap as we speak, she is getting ready to crossover the rainbow bridge. Cancer in dogs and people is a terrible thing to watch. While I’m heartbroken for my fur baby I’m ready, I hate to see her like this. Have a blessed Sunday!
Oh I’m so sorry about your Bella. Losing a pet is sooooo hard and sad. If we tried, we could squeeze all our plants around and make room for a vehicle in our garage, but oh well – haha!
I loved the the snow. With the power out (and no fireplace) we were pretty cold but survived surprisingly well.
I woke up early the next morning, and channeling Papa Willett, made cup after cup of drip coffee. Our next door neighbor came over early to share it with us. Might be the only reason I will keep my gas oven. I so want to go back to an induction cooktop!
All in all the snow storm was great.
Thank goodness for good neighbors!
I love snow! We have snow predicted for Tuesday, but hope we don’t get as much as y’all did. My heart hurts for Tyre Nichols mother and his family. So much evil in the world these days! I agree with your mom! Glad your puppy is better. A brighter day for me….I am a first time great grandma! Oh such happiness!
Thanks Sissy! And now we have ice:(
I shouldn’t say it but I’m sure glad that snowstorm missed us this time. Fortunately we have a wonderful neighbor who is going to take care of snow removal for us this year, He’s only needed to come twice so far this season. However, I do recall many Iowa snowstorms in March and April. It’s a sunny 6 degrees here now. Brrrr!
Poor Gracie! I’m glad she’s better!
I thought about those of you who deal with regular snowfalls and really don’t think I would enjoy it long term. I’m glad this one missed you too!
Enjoyed Sunday newsletter! I am on a cruise so wasn’t sure about snow amounts at Colcord,OK. We have lost power before on many occasions. We got a hearth stove that I found in the “Big Nickle” back in “90’s”. We could make coffee, cook beans, etc And the heat from it was lasting!! Another idea would be a gas cook stove, we can always cook now, regardless of the weather. 2yrs ago we got a whole house generator, as my husband was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis. We had machines requiring power 24/7, so we immediately ordered one. He has since passed, but I don’t have to worry about outages, even when I am gone. Sunday blessings. Lark
Blessing to you and happy cruising!
A wonderful letter today. Being so close to Memphis, and hearing and seeing details broadcast continuously, creates a sadness that is enormous.
No snow in Mississippi County, but a chance this week. Our ability to make coffee without electricity stands at the ready.
I’m afraid we will get ice this week. Thank you for reading!
Oh the snow was glorious…my son made three snowmen with my grandson.
I fill my Stanley thermos & a Mikasa carafe with boiling water when there’s a possibility of an outage. The carafe will keep water hot enough to make tea or hot chocolate for close to 24 hours then the Stanley keeps it hot a good 48 hours!. I tested this out a few yrs ago during an outage. I refresh with boiling water at bedtime if the power is still on but expected to go out. But we do have a camp stove & a generator so we can make coffee as well.
Poor Gracie. I’m so glad she’s better.
I want to get a miniature orchid for a terrarium. A garden friend in Siloam grows hers in absolutely stunning terrariums & they thrive.
I read an article this past week about men & for decades now we have made men feel worthless, useless….not wanted at all in society….there is absolutely no excuse for murder. Never. Sadly we’ve climbed onto the men & pushed them down into the dirt in a rise for equal rights….instead of grabbing the hands of all the great men who want to pull us up….even lift us up above them….It’s heartbreaking to me as a wife & the mother/grandmother of men. After reading the article I’ve decided to make sure every man I come into contact with knows just how valuable he is to the world. People who are valued don’t lash out in frustration. I don’t have answers either but to keep bashing all men is not helping. (Obviously that is not what you do…you are always encouraging even when things are overwhelming) Praying for peace & trying to make peace in my corner.
Thank you for your insight. I’ve never read that point of view regarding men but I completely agree that no one group should be painted with a broad brushstroke. And no one group should be dragged down while raising up another.
So far we have not seen any snow here in central Virginia. I think the snow may have fallen in the Blue Ridge Mtns , but not here. We heat our house with a wood stove, and have a gas cook stove, so we are good for heat and even for cooking. We also have generators for the rest. For a number of years we had a neighbor who was the executive secretary to the head of the Dept of Transportation so she had worth to the state. We were always first neighborhood cleared. We were very sorry when she died. Yes, I am shallow and a wee bit selfish.
Our fur babies are just like our children and you feel just as helpless as when your birth children were sick. I am so glad that she is better.
Thank you. When we lived in Dallas, we were near hospitals and retirement homes so we were usually back on line quickly after power outages. Location matters, doesn’t it?
During the 2009 ice storm, we were without power for five days. We kept the fireplace going and were able to take hot baths. I used a sterno to make coffee. We layered clothes during the day and piled on covers at night. We survived.
The snow in central Arkansas was beautiful, and not 8 inches but between 4 and 5. Many in surrounding areas lost power but we only lost it twice for short periods. Just as it really came down, our current foster puppy arrived, scared and timid. The weather had us taking him outside for his business just steps from our front door rather than out to the back! We dealt with it the next day. I don’t read or watch much of the news, and know I know I won’t watch the video. But I will make my peace sign with black and white ribbons attached as a very small attempt to put support out into the universe. Sigh.
How sweet that you foster puppies. That in itself is putting something good into the universe.
I didn’t live here in 2009 but I know it was a terrible storm. Stay warm!
I received Berniece Runs Away from my daughter Jill for my 80th birthday and just finished reading it yesterday! I think it is your best book so far and now awaiting your next novel. Just loved the book and cannot wait to share with my friends. Just delightful and I think all of us have had a first love that disappointed us. I remember as a sophomore in college getting a letter that just said, “Discontinue all correspondence”. Woe! Now getting ready to celebrate 60 years of marriage that God intended me to marry! Have had a blessed life and for awesome children. I know wandering. But I could identify so much with Bernie! Keep writing!
Yay!! I’m so glad you loved Bernice and related to her! And thanks for telling your friends about her:)))