I’m grateful to be celebrating another birthday at the lake with family. After fifty-four trips around the sun, I should know a few things. Maybe? So while sitting on the porch drinking coffee, I jotted down a quick list of fifty-four things I’ve learned so far.
- Less is more.
- Be yourself.
- Celebrate tradition.
- Wear sunscreen.
- Laughter really is the best medicine.
- Simple is good.
- Eat your veggies.
- Negativity breeds negativity.
- It’s true, time flies.
- Not everyone will like you.
- Plant flowers.
- Smell the flowers.
- Pick the flowers.
- Do unto others.
- Cherish your friends.
- If you’re going to have kids, be a parent.
- Keep moving.
- Get out of your comfort zone.
- Read.
- Nurture relationships.
- Don’t be a litterbug.
- Everyone has a talent.
- Pets bring joy.
- Praise teachers.
- Learn to swim.
- Most people are good, but some are crazy.
- Eat dessert.
- Don’t always eat dessert.
- Floss.
- Look on the bright side.
- Buy local.
- Sometimes it’s better to be silent than to be right.
- Travel as often as possible.
- Sing.
- Respect your elders.
- Life isn’t fair.
- Wear comfortable shoes.
- Don’t pout.
- You don’t have to clean your plate.
- Smile.
- The grass probably isn’t greener but green grass looks nice.
- We all have something in common.
- Drink lots of water.
- Learn to tie knots.
- Say what you mean and mean what you say.
- Don’t ever pass up a lemonade stand.
- Learn to apologize.
- Be alert.
- Take responsibility.
- Work hard.
- Eat breakfast.
- Always buy from girl/boy scouts.
- Don’t gossip.
- God is good. All the time.
What would you add?
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
[tweetthis]54 things I know so far. #happybirthdaytome[/tweetthis]
Musical Pairing:
MonaLisa Twins, When I’m Sixty-Four
You pretty well covered it! I’ll add, don’t hold a grudge.
You covered everything, I specially like number 27.
Thanks Frances!
Talya, i would onlt add Pray often and read your Bible daily. 3 Bible verses that i like to share when i am in need of comfort are Proverbs 3:5-6; Matthew 6:33;: and Philippians 4:4-9.
Thanks Ken. I’ll look up those verses.
Anything worth doing is worth doing right !! And my dad always added “don’t half-a$$ do anything!!! Loved your list!!!
Yes, I agree! That should be on the list for sure.
Sing like no ones listening…I do this often?
Everyone has a story…listen!
Respect your elders…one day you’ll be in their shoes.
Think before you speak:)
Don’t blink …life goes by fast. Enjoy every moment with your kids, even when it seems “not” enjoyable?
How about laugh until you pee in your pants. We do that a lot.
Great list. I think you covered everything.
I gave the commencement address at my old high school and I told the graduates three things (with a couple of sub-things). 1. Give your best. (In a close enough is close enough world, you will stand out!) 2. Character is the gift you give yourself. Sub-topic: Choose your friends carefully, looking for character rather that personality. 3. Know yourself. Sub-topic: But don’t stop learning and growing.
I began by asking them to stand and applaud all those people who had helped them get where they were, and reminding them to remember to say thank you along the way as they move forward in life.
Not 54 things, but these are the things I distilled to share with them.
I love your list and especially the subtopics!
I made a comment but then it disappeared. Rats!!! Great list, Talya! I also LOVE the suggestions of others. I would only add:
–keep gratitude in your attitude.
–remember to be thankful.
–make time to spend with loved ones.
–this is no dress rehearsal for life – it’s the only one we get on this earth.
–it’s ok to cry now and again, in fact, it’s healthy.
–take time for YOU. It’s not selfish, it’s necessary to replenish your overall well-being.
–Don’t worry so much what others think of you, they seldom do anyways.
–mind your manners: say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’.
Great additions!
– Say “I love you” every day – especially to those closest to you.
– Embrace your wrinkles. You earned every one.
– Make friends with someone different from you.
– Bonus tip: Don’t eat yellow snow. ?
Great list, Talya — and lots of good tips in the comments.
Happy birthday. (You have 4 1/2 months on me.)