A rambling post…
THIS. This is something that will never get old as long as I live. Seeing my book on the shelf at Barnes & Noble. And I would never want that feeling to get old either. Know what I mean?
I feel the same way when I look out at the Ozark Mountains and think, I cannot believe I really, finally, truly, get to live here. I never want to forget how incredible the mountains look no matter the time of day, season, or weather. I don’t want to take this place I live for granted or see it as normal, commonplace. Because it isn’t.
A few days ago, with a lake trip on the horizon, I began to get my “stuff” together. Lake stuff includes a stack of books. Gathering those books is as fun as reading them. I visited my own Little Free Library, Nightbird Books, and Barnes & Noble. At both Nightbird & B&N, I always get a thrill seeing Gracie Lee on the shelf. Yes, I go visit my book on the shelf, and when a random reader walks by I am oh so tempted to explode with, “I wrote this!” because it’s still that exciting to me. But I don’t say anything because that would be crazy. Wouldn’t it?
Take a look at the official “Beach Reads” table at B&N (below). Can you smell the salty air, feel the warm sunshine? The tablescape looks like an ocean wave, all the aqua and blues with a little sand thrown in. The only exception is the Liane Moriarty book on the front corner. Still it works. Her bright orange and yellow cover is the sun in this ocean front scenario.
This is marketing, y’all.
Gracie Lee fits right in at the beach, too. She’s wearing the colors…
About the lake reads…
When I started this post, I was looking forward to the lake. (My Momma and sister and I read and read and trade books while we are there.) So I snagged a few new reads. Yay for the “buy 2 get the 3rd free” table at B&N! I stacked the books I planned to take in the kitchen so I wouldn’t forget them.
Now, after my accident (which you can read about HERE if you missed it), this stack of books has become part of my recovery plan. And unless my recovery is miraculous, I imagine I’ll be reading them on my couch rather than dockside.
As far as my Day 4 update goes…
I haven’t had any pain meds yet today. So that’s something. My knees have turned camouflaged colors, a sign of healing. I’m doing a little writing. I hobble outside in five minute increments to keep from going crazy. I’m not going to starve, that’s for sure! My friends have been so sweet to bring food.
So, yes, I’m a little shaken up but getting better every day.
Grace Grits & Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
[tweetthis]Seeing my book at Barnes & Noble never gets old! @BNfayar @BNRogersAR @BNBuzz #TheAccidentalSalvationofGracieLee[/tweetthis]
Musical Pairing:
Elvis, All Shook Up
I just can’t believe this happened to you. It is a reminder that we all need to use more caution in our daily chores. How many times do we take short cuts and chances when we know it isn’t the best and safest way? Is this the first time in your life that you have missed going on your annual trek to the lake? Stay strong, stay positive and heal quickly.
Oh, your knees hurt my heart. We certainly miss you at the lake. I am glad you at least have a lot of reading material. Get lots of rest and heal. ❤️
Sorry about your accident Staci. Prayers that you will get better soon….
Talya, but thanks! Staci is alive and well…
Those poor little knees! I gather books for our times at the beach even though we have a little condo library and books in our unit. But then, I’m always gathering books!