Since we’re on the backside of January, I thought I’d share my mid-January thinks and ungoals. If January is ideal for one thing, it’s thinking and planning. And re-thinking and re-grouping. January gives us a psychological clean slate.
Give me a clean slate and a piece of chalk and I will rule the world. ?
I know it’s early. Probably too early to call anything successful, but I’m feeling good about what I’ve done in the new year. Or what I’ve not done. I basically blocked off the entire month of January for myself. To write and rest and spend time with family. To think about what I want to do in 2017 and beyond. And I’m grateful to be in a place to do that.
No, I haven’t done any of the typical new year things. I haven’t cleaned out my closet or organized my desk. My junk drawer is still junky. Just yesterday, I bought my 2017 wall calendar. Tip—if you wait long enough you can purchase at 20% off. I haven’t worked out a single time other than walking the dogs and doing yoga once at home. Sorta.
But what I have done…
So far in January, I’ve rested. From the inside out. And resting feels like such a big accomplishment. I had to slow down to hear what my body and mind was trying to tell me, because even when that annoying little voice speaks God’s honest truth into my ear, I can often talk over her, roll my eyes, push through, keep going.
It’s what we do.
But guess what?
With rest comes realization.
My mid-January thinks and ungoals are straightforward, not profound. A word about ungoals— this is a concept I heard discussed recently on The Simple Show. And I am embracing it. The idea is letting go of unreal expectations. This isn’t to say you can’t change or evolve, but basically being okay with who you are, what you are, what you believe. Allowing yourself to just be.
Mid-January Thinks and Ungoals…
So for me,
- I’ve come to realize I’ll never be one of those pulled together women with a capsule wardrobe of only ten or twelve or twenty pieces of clothing because I love having a t-shirt from every place I’ve visited. And I love having Converse tennis shoes in every color. I love having oversized sweaters in every shade of gray. So there.
- As much as it intrigues me, I’ll never be part of the tiny house nation, unless said tiny house is my office or my own personal craft cave in the backyard or a getaway place on the lake. And even then, I’d need two or three to hold all the lake stuff. I get great joy from being surrounded by books and having dishes for every season. And yes please, give me all the pens and markers and crayons and number two pencils. And chalk.
- I’m going to stop being an author and go back to being a writer. Wait, what? This may make no sense, but I’ll try to explain. I’ll soon celebrate the one year anniversary of my first novel, The Accidental Salvation of Gracie Lee. I’ve learned so so so much (which I’ll be talking more about later). But for now I’ll just say, being an author feels so in the past. I wrote a book. (And I hope I don’t sound flippant or ungrateful because the whole thing still feels surreal.) But BEING a writer is active. I am writing. It’s what I love. My sweet spot. So while I will still promote my book and be silly happy over reviews and hope it gets picked up by Reece Witherspoon’s book club and be thrilled when you read and re-read it, I’m looking to the future. Concentrating my efforts on the future. Writing my next book.
- I won’t count my steps or my calories or the words I write on a regular basis. Maybe sometimes, but not often and certainly not daily. But I’ll study the big picture. And maybe even color it in with the good markers.
- I’ll eat my veggies and drink enough water to nearly float away every day because that’s easy for me, but when I go to the movies I’ll not think twice about enjoying popcorn d-r-i-p-p-i-n-g with fake butter. Maybe I’ll even go today.
- I’ll keep promoting information about people and places and things that make a difference to me. Sharing what’s good helps us all.
- I’ll keep watching the ten day forecast, hoping for a snowfall great enough to make a big bowl of snow cream. Because I love winter and January and cold weather. I really do.
- I’ll keep being me because I’m the only person I know how to be.
- And I’ll keep thanking you for reading my blog and sharing whatever content I create.
How are you doing with your New Year’s goals, resolutions, whatnot? Do you have any ungoals?
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
“For after all, the best thing one can do when it is raining is let it rain.”
― Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
[tweetthis]Oh January. Give me a clean slate & a piece of chalk & I will rule the world @tsh #amwriting #resolutions[/tweetthis]
Musical Pairing:
ELO, Mr. Blue Sky
My ungoal for 2017 was to give up being president of the Friends of the library, after 10 years, but not giving up being a Friend of the library. I’m sleeping better already! Haha No more lying in bed thinking of what we can do as a group and planning this and that. Goals? Not many! Like you, just being me. Excercise more, read lots, eat healthy and give out hugs and smiles often.
Good for you! I’m sure they will miss you though. Ten years is a long time to be in charge. Now you can just enjoy being a “friend”.
“I’ll keep being me because that’s the only person I know how to be.”
Yep. Why have you changed your last name to Tat? Have you decided to be someone different?
Brilliant, as usual. I’m glad you decided to REST in January. Rest is so very UNDER-rated. I wish we all could take a month and just “be”. REST is oh so necessary and yet, many of us don’t take the time needed to do it and do it well. I don’t really do New Year’s resolutions or goals anymore – I figure if I get up every morning – that’s a miracle, a tremendous blessing, and another [unspoken] daily goal achieved. I have (though) learned this past year to live more simply. To be happy with simple – simply is a very good thing. I’ve come to realize that it’s ok if my house is not perfect. My bedroom looks like a tsunami came through and there are still weather warnings out and in effect. I’m working on getting it in shape for my home evaluation with the RN to set up my home dialysis. I pay someone to clean the rest of the house, and it’s not perfect either, but I am rarely in any other part of the house anymore as I am unable to get around very well. But that’s ok too. I don’t have to hear Rick gripe about my cooking (stinking up the house–sigh) because I can’t often get to the kitchen much and don’t feel like cooking much anymore. That saddens me because I am like mam-ma Ruby – I love to cook. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not having a ‘poor me pity-party’, but then again, it’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to (insert musical pairing here). Seriously, I’m humbled and grateful to still be here because being here is a good thing.
Lastly, love your musical pairing – I found an old CD the other day of ELO….brought back memories, sho’nuff.
Great to hear from you! Well, I hope you aren’t starving to death in your bedroom. Do I need to come check on you? I hope the dialysis will be a good thing and help you feel better. We need you to hang around a little longer.
PS…..and dang it – I (too) LOVE snow cream – it’s one of my all-time favorite things. It makes me angry when it snows but not enough to make snow cream. A big PET PEEVE of mine. I (too) love the winter time and cold weather. But since I’ve been sick – I freeze all the time – you know that’s extremely unusual for me! I want MORE snow and a chance to wear my new red coat with matching hat, scarf and gloves! 🙂
There’s still plenty of time for snow and I’m counting on it! Freezing all the time—I can’t imagine.
Remember your goal word to “savor”? To me, that’s what Jamuary is all about. I savor the books I got for Christmas without feeling guilty that I’m not out cleaning up the flower beds, (because it’s cold and raining). I savor being in the rainforest on Mt. Magazine because it’s SO dramatic. I savor the heat baking my bones from the bed of coals in the fireplace. I savor the birds at the feeders because their bright plumage reminds me that spring will come and they won’t be as notable without the grey background.
Oh yes, Janna, I’m savoring every little thing about January and there will be more to come on the topic:)
I’m glad you’re going to keep being you because you are delightful! I’m resting, reading, writing just a little so that I’m ready for those revisions. Just “being” is the key to hearing what that soft, small voice is saying to me.