I had plans to blog today about Inauguration Day. The history behind it. The weight and magnitude of it. And how, ready or not, Inauguration Day is a great day in America. I had plans to say no matter how someone feels about Donald Trump, we can all celebrate the bigger picture and the fact that we live in a country where truly the most unlikely of candidates can become President.
And I am saying all that because it’s what I believe.
Honestly, I’m afraid for the bigger picture with Donald Trump wielding the paint brush.
This is my truth.
I have friends who traveled to Washington D. C. to march for women’s rights. I have friends who traveled to Washington D.C. to celebrate Donald Trump’s inauguration. Clearly, we all see and feel and believe different things because we are the sum of our experiences. These people, my friends on both sides of the aisle, are good, passionate people.
This is not about that. This isn’t about how I voted or didn’t vote. This isn’t about the issues important to me. This is about how I feel in the moment.
We are all caretakers of this country, this land, this place, the history of the people who came before us who fought and died for our freedoms and rights. Our actions, good or bad, affect generations to come in small ways we may not comprehend and in monumental ways. For better or worse. Each President in the string of Presidents from the first to the forty-fifth is part of our history’s relay, holding the torch for America and everything she stands for before passing it on to the next.
President Trump holds our torch at a time when America seems so fragile. So divisive. So angry. And that scares me. Because he hasn’t convinced me he can unite the people, calm the brewing storm, inspire us for the greater good. And yes, I believe a leader should do all those things.
A leader should be the bigger person.
Today is day one.
Today is a new day.
Today, I celebrate being an American, which really, is the biggest break I’ll ever get in my life. I didn’t choose to be born here. I got lucky. Super duper lucky. Because it turns out I love air conditioning and clean water and having access to a Doc in the Box on Sunday afternoon. I love knowing that even though I may decide to give up refined sugar or carbohydrates for three days in a row, my fridge is filled with whatever I need to keep from “really” starving to death. Most people on this planet aren’t so fortunate.
Today, I celebrate living in America where my friends can march on Washington and party with the President.
Today, I celebrate that I can write this post and you can disagree with everything I say from here to Kingdom Come because our freedoms afford us those rights.
Today I support President Trump.
For as long as Trump is the President of the United States, I will hope and pray every single day that he is the greatest President America has ever known. It is incumbent upon all of us to do the same because ready or not, Inauguration Day is here. And Trump is carrying our torch into the foreseeable future.
If he fails, we all fail.
Congratulations, Mr. President. You’re hired. This is your chance. Your chance to do good, to be great, to be fair and honest and right. To change things and forge a new path your way. To be part of America’s great history. To really make a positive difference in the lives of so many. Don’t blow it. Please.
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
I welcome your comments. Please keep it civil. I carry the torch for this blog. ?
[tweetthis]Dear Mr. President. Happy #InaugurationDay – Please don’t blow it. [/tweetthis]
Musical Pairing:
Singing America the Beautiful in every National Park!
Congratulations Talya, I think this is your best post to date. Like you I have some serious reservations about Mr Trump but I also had more serious reservations about his opponent. Only time will tell about our choices. I wish him all the luck in the world. He is going to need it. I will remind everyone that though Mr Trump is in the White House, God is still in control. I will depend on him to do what is right.
Thanks Ken.
God Bless America
I so agree!!
Thank you, June!
Well said and so much more eloquent than I tried to say it! But I was very angry when I posted. Agree wholeheartedly.
Thank you, Cindy Lu.
Well said and ❤ the music pairing!
I love the music! Glad you listened to it:)
So well said, Talya. You have a gift. Thank you for sharing. I fear for the future of our country and not necessarily because of the leadership, but because of the hatred that is so evident in our land. Christians should be praying for the leadership of our country, state, cities, and churches.
Thanks, Dot. I appreciate it.
There are certain traditions apparent in inaugural addresses–humility, reaching out to unify the nation, respecting past achievements, recognizing the role of each branch of government respectfully… Our new president seems to see a different path. The blog I posted yesterday shares some of those traditional themes.
Yes, he is definitely taking a different path. I think that’s one thing his supporters like about him. But I believe a dose of humility goes a long way. I can’t imagine not being humbled by what lies ahead.
You could have been reading my heart as you wrote. I share your same fears and hopes. We should thank God everyday that we were born in America, and we owe it to future generations to for this man and his administration, along with Congress and our courts.
I agree completely – you stated this so eloquently. I don’t ever remember a time in my life when I’ve felt so unsure or scared for our country’s future. As a nation, we have become so divided and the hatred is so strong. I pray every day for our president and our country. I pray God’s guidance and grace will provide the necessary healing and wisdom.