Dear Sunday Letter friends,
Good morning and happy spring! I just returned home after a trip to the farm with my mother and sister, and that’s always an adventure. It’s mostly fun, except for the times when it isn’t. Occasionally, we have a broken water pipe, and we are regularly forced to deal with the various critters that have take up residence. But all in all, being able to go back to our childhood home is a special thing.
In many ways, the area has changed dramatically since we left for college all those years ago. At the same time, some things never change, like the view from the carport, the distinctive call of the red-winged blackbirds, and the board games lining our closet shelf.
Inspiration is always waiting for me on the farm. Then, after only a few days away, I return home to find spring everywhere! Blooming tulips. Candytuft. Cherry blossoms. It seems I was away for much, much longer.