If I individually track the next thirty-one days, each is likely to feel different. Drizzle. Thunderstorms. Warm sunshine. Days of dreary cold and maybe even snow, weather to remind us we aren’t out of the winter woods yet. And your howling wind! Are you announcing yourself?
Or maybe the biting wind should be blamed on Ole Man Winter who won’t go without a fight.
Charles Dickens perfectly described you, March, as summer in the light, and winter in the shade.
So true.
Dear March, I know you mark the beginning of spring. I begin to dream of flower beds and lake days and fresh vegetables from farmer’s market, even though I never got a single bowl of snow cream.
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
[tweetthis]Dear March, you are summer in the light and winter in the shade #CharlesDickens #welcomespring[/tweetthis]
Musical Pairing:
Fiona Apple, Everyday
I started writing monthly letters to each month last July. Did you miss any of them? Here they are…
I’m not sure if March is coming in like a lion or not. The wind is certainly howling and it is currently 26 degrees here. I am thankful that snow has been taken out of our forecast, at least for now. Happy March!
March is, indeed, an unpredictable month here in Georgia. As my birthday is on the 1st, I always note if it’s a lion or a lamb – today is lamb, so I guess we have to hope the 31st doesn’t bring a lion’s roar of storms. 🙂
Have a blessed day, Talya!
Oh, and I am currently reading your book and loving every word! Will write a review for you when I’m finished.
I’m glad we’ve entered a new month. I’m looking forward to the same things.