Oh my goodness, this chili lime sugar cookie is addictive. Sweet and citrus-y with heat on the back end. And easy! Easy because these “shortcut” cookies are made with pre-packaged sugar cookie dough. I’ve decided these are the perfect cookies to have on hand during the holidays. Or anytime.
If you aren’t a fan of spice (what?!), adjust the amount of cayenne, but a little kick gives it something special. Promise.
Chili Lime Sugar Cookie
- Packaged pre-proportioned sugar cookie dough
- 2 limes
- cayenne
- Let cookie dough come to room temperature for easier handling.
- Instead of dividing the dough into separate cookies, combine it as though you might roll it out (which you could do).
- Add zest of two limes and work into dough (but don't overwork).
- Roll into balls and place on cookie sheet two inches apart.
- Sprinkle each with cayenne.
- Bake according to package directions.
My husband deserves credit for the inspiration behind this recipe. He found a similar shortbread cookie in his Big Green Egg Cookbook. But that recipe used a red chili rub and was cooked on the grill. Using prepackaged sugar cookies and cayenne (and baking the cookies in the house) seemed simpler to me.
So yummy.
Now for the question on my mind… what would Gracie Lee do?
Would she like these cookies?
Yes! Even though she was a kid, she preferred spice over ho-hum any day. Of course, she preferred to do her baking in the Easy Bake Oven.
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
[tweetthis]Do you like heat with your sweet? Try my chili lime sugar cookie @RealSimple @Southern_Living #WhatwouldGracieLeeDo?[/tweetthis]
Musical Pairing:
The Four Tops, Sugar Pie Honey Bunch
Hi, Visiting from Blog Her….love the recipe idea!! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you!
I have a roll of sugar cookies in the freezer. Guess I better let my kids and grands try these next week. Thanks.
So Talya, when is your book signing and where? You may have posted buy I missed it. You are a wonderful writer and I am looking forward to picking up several copies for my family and friends.
Kip – I’m working on the schedule now. There will be one in Northeast Arkansas in early February and Dallas will be sometime after that. I’ll let you know. Thank you!!