Write more, Love more. This tagline is printed on the window of Shindig Paperie in Fayetteville, Arkansas, and what a great tagline it is. My new quest to write 52 letters in 2015 gave me the perfect excuse to visit. This well-curated shoppe filled with all things paper is located downtown just off the square. Downstairs. There’s something about a downstairs business (in a historic building—look at those bricks!) that makes for an intriguing shoppe rather than just another run-of-the-paper-mill store.
Oh my heart did a little flip flop when I walked into this place. (Dallas crafty obsessed friends: it’s like a cozier version of Paper Source at Northpark…)
Cards and paper and pens and calendars and postcards and teeny tiny clothespins I’ve been wanting forever (because certain projects beg for them) and I could go on and on.
LOOK at this notepad I found.
How do I love this paper made by Sugarboo Designs? Let me explain the ways—from the old-fashioned notebook paper it’s printed on to the pre-printed inspirational messages at the bottom. Each page includes a perforated stub. Tear off and scatter into the world as you please...tuck one under a pillow or inside a lunchbox, throw one on a dashboard or sneak it into a pocket, string onto a gift or hide inside a book, roll it up and float it out to sea. Anything is possible – Anything can be!
Neat, right?
Three weeks into January, and I’m on track with my #52Letters project. I’ve mailed three handwritten letters:)
“Let your heart dance with pen and paper
Now fill the paper with dancing letters.”
― Debasish Mridha
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
[tweetthis]Let your heart dance with pen and paper. @ShindigPaperie #52Letters2015 #writemorelovemore[/tweetthis]
P.S. This is not a sponsored post, but I wish it was!
Musical Pairing:
Build Me Up Buttercup, The Foundations
OOOH! That stationary shop looks divine! I absolutely adore stationary stores and could spend hours there. You’re so lucky!
I love your idea of 52 letters and sent my card off to you yesterday!
I’m singing along with Build me up Buttercup and singing the Alto part since our choir does this song. Woohoo! What fun!
Happy Letter Writing, Talya! Looking forward to your letter. It will make the cold windy walk along the highway where huge Mac trucks tear past, spewing me with salty slush (are you feeling sympathy for me yet? ;))to the post office all worth it. Bills and junk mail just don’t do it for me.
OOPS! I think that should be stationery. Doesn’t look right unless the store is always still and doesn’t move. GROAN!
Yes, your walk to the post office sounds like a short story:) Glad my mail is delivered to my doorstep. Can’t wait to receive your letter!
Notebook paper with perforated inspirational stub– very clever. Wish I had thought of it.
That’s what I thought too. In fact, I think that about a lot of things.
I know you are sincere but perhaps your wish will come true after this very flattering plug for Shindig and Sugarboo. They should hire you! I am anxious to receive my letter from you along with hundreds if not thousands of other fans.
Thanks Colene!
I’ve been wanting to go to fayetteville to look at their book shop that has old books. Now I will have to add this to my list of places to go to whenever I get a chance to go up there. 🙂 Nice post!
Are you referring to the used bookstore on Dickson? It’s wonderful! Thanks for reading/commenting:)
I love this post! The shop! And we have to go there when I visit.
For sure Dorothy!
I would love a visit to that shop!
You would enjoy it!
I consider myself a reluctant shopper, shopping for clothes about twice a year when the seasons change or for a really special occasion. However, how I miss the unique shops like the one you featured that are rarely found outside large cities. After you reach a certain age, your home is decorated with favorite things we no longer want to replace, and even your closet has old favorites…especially if your style is very traditional. But when it is time to buy gifts, wonderful little shops with carefully selected merchandise are the perfect place to find something special. That’s when I miss city shopping!
I’m not much of a shopper either, Lyn. Unless it involves books, plants or apparently paper goods.
Sounds like a great little spot. I’ll be dropping in next time I’m in NWA.
I would have gone crazy shopping there, Talya! I love writing paper. 😉
me too! I had to constraint myself.