If you know anything about me, you know I can’t resist a good flea market, yard sale, vintage store, dumpster dive. Northwest Arkansas is junkin heaven, I’m not kidding. My personal favorites that carry everything from rusted farm equipment and repurposed everything to Brady Bunch Seventies are 410 Vintage Market, Fayetteville’s Funky Yard Sale, Long Ago Antiques, and Daisies and Olive (Prairie Grove). Of course technically I’ve only been here a few weeks so I’m sure there are many I have missed. I will check them all out eventually.
Mostly I just browse (I swear). I enjoying looking at how things are displayed and repurposed.
Here are a few pictures from The Junk Ranch, a two day event held each fall and spring in Prairie Grove, Arkansas. I met up with my writer friend Laurie who is a serious junker with a great eye for cool finds. Laurie is the perfect person to thrift with, plus we have similar tastes which is fun too.
What a flawless autumn afternoon. Look at that sky. Better yet, LOOK AT THAT BARN!
Live music provided the perfect backdrop. Crossing August sounded just like the Dixie Chicks!
Pumpkins for sale.
Inspiration propped on the ground, hanging from the tent poles. Everywhere.
Lots of memories.
And of course treasures.
And more treasures!
We had a great time:)
selfie courtesy of Laurie @ Junque Rethunque
I bought this vintage tin platter. It’s my favorite shade of turquoise. And it’s almost as big as the coffee table on the back porch.
I love it!
Where do you like to “browse” for treasures?
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
P.S. Look at this tablescape by Figgy Pudding. Perfect for harvest time. Shovel handles❤!
Musical Pairing:
Crossing August
I love that barn. I wish we still had our barn. I can’t remember when it ” left the farm”.
I must have been laser-focused, I didn’t even notice you taking pictures! LOL!!
Beebe, AR has 6-8 flea markets – I lose count as some come and go quickly. But some have been here for years. The best ones are the once-or-twice a year sales because folks save their best junk for those.
Yes the once or twice a year ones are special!
I didn’t make it to the Junk Ranch this time around, but it looks awesome!
I love looking for treasures in thrift stores, but one of my favorite finds was an antique wooden door at The Rose in Rogers. I used it for the background of my blog header. Many people thought it was my desk, but it’s just an old door. Love using it for photography backgrounds. 🙂
Great find Sarah! I haven’t been to The Rose. I’ll have to check it out.
It was a beautiful day for junkin’ or anything else. Nice platter! Barns are special. I wish we still had our barn!
love the platter—-my favorite color too—-I have it sprinkled around my living room—pillows, vases, table top, candles, picture frame!!!!!! I’m always looking for that color!!!!!
me too:))
Wish I could have tagged along. I love those outings. Great post and pictures. There are probably lots of places to explore up toward Greer’s Ferry Lake. We may have to take an extra day to do that.
Thank you so much for the lovely article and for coming out. You did an amazing job capturing the atmosphere of our show in your photos. We hope to see you in the Spring!!
Enjoyed the show and your nice article. I also love that your cover photo is of my Dad’s booth 🙂
Thanks for featuring a few photos of my booth, including the rustic/ vintage table scape with shovel heads. I do have a store in Jane, Mo., only 10 short miles north of Bella vista, Ar.
Great to know! I will add your name to the photo so readers will know the amazing crafter of this table! Thank you.
Where in NWA can I find Architecutural Salvage shops? I’m looking for a antique fireplace mantel.
Check Daisies and Olives in Prairie Grove. They have cool things and some booths have architectural salvage.