This is an exciting and busy time for John and me. We close on our new (old) Fayetteville house today which I know we will love, love, love. I say old because it was built in 1876! We are fortunate to have found it thanks to our amazing realtor-friend, Paula Larson of Crye-Leike, who has our back, knows what we like and is willing to put up with us. (If you have real estate needs in NW Arkansas, I highly recommend Paula!)
Also, we have a contract on our beloved Dallas house. I don’t want to jinx it (knock-on-wood), so that’s all I will say about that.
And I have an editor! I will be working with a professional editor in December (she’s in high demand and has edited books for one of my favorite authors). My manuscript is in her hands. This makes me nervous-excited.
Everything seems to be falling into place.
The next few weeks will be crazy busy with Arkansas Women Blogger University coming up in Rogers. (I’m in charge of Instagram, so be expecting a flurry of IG-ing. And, if you aren’t following me on Instagram, I hope you will.) Then I’ll be back in Dallas packing up Worth Street to move our belongings to Fayetteville. By the time this all happens, it will officially be Fall. Football. Tailgating. I have a few Razorback football tickets. WPS!
I’ve joined both Ozark Writers League and Ozark Creative Writers and look forward to getting involved.
Lots going on. All good things:)
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
Didn’t realize you were getting a different house in Fayetteville. What’s with the little bungalow you had before? It all sounds too good to be true, but in this case, it apparently is. Congratulations.
We are going to rent out the little bungalow. I think we found a great tenant too!
I love this house! It reminds me of an old Victorian my folks had when I was in Jr. High. We all so loved it! I fell in love with hardwood floors in that house, and we kids knew it had some kind of history because of a secret spot in those floors that could be lifted, where we found deliciously exciting evidence of stories to tell.
If only the walls could talk! 🙂
Blessings on your new chapter and on all your busyness!
Thank you Katherine and thanks for sharing the story of your old family home.
Exiting and congratulations on your “new” house; and good luck in your new endeavor, both professionally as personally.
Thanks Winnie! We will miss you guys.
I didn’t realize that you were in Fayetteville now. Howdy neighbor!
I got chills reading your exciting blog and all of the amazing happenings going on with you and John. I’m kind of partial to your realtor too. No, I am more than partial to your realtor! Not just a daughter…a best friend! We will be knocking on your door some day soon but we will call first. 🙂 Happy Days!
I’m so happy that I will get to see you and Tom now when you visit Fayetteville!
Wonderful home for you and John! Gorgeous! And so glad to see you jumping right into life there, especially your writing life :).
Thanks Laura:)
Beautiful home – very similar style to your Dallas home – so I know you’ll be right AT HOME. Reading about all you’re involved in exhausts me – I’m glad you have so much energy. I hope when you return to Arkansas that we can get together more often, but sounds like you’re going to be as busy as a bee! I hope to be retired this time next year – so maybe we can do a writer’s retreat together! XOXOX Your Cuz, Cindy “Lu”
Yes hopefully we can get together more often! Glad you are planning to retire soon.
Congratulations on all counts! New house, contract and editor! It seems to be the beginning of a wonderful new season for you. The new house is perfect for you. I’m looking forward to seeing you soon. Maybe we can drive by your Fayetteville houses next weekend. So happy for you.
Yes, I’d love to show it to you Dorothy!
Wow! That’s a lot happening at the same time and all of it good! Good luck, Talya. ♥
Thanks Corinne!
I just love the looks of this place:) Can’t wait to see what all you and John do with it. Lunch is on me ….whenever. (It may be rice salad:) xoxoxo
Thanks Debbie! Rice works for me:)
Is the new Fayetteville place in the historic district? It looks much like that area. I used to take the kids trick or treating there every year.