Since I’m headed to the great state of Arkansas today, I offer you this timely reminder of what makes us unique. In keeping with the spirit of the Write Tribe seven day blog challenge (prompt: the number seven), below are seven signs you might be from Arkansas if…
1. At the end of each week your family’s heaping mound of dirty laundry easily sorts into three piles—whites, darks and Razorback red. Proudly, the Razorback load is always the largest.
2. You give directions based on minutes with no regard to mileage. Jonesboro is about an hour from Osceola.
3. Your momma taught you to never wear white after the opening day of dove season. Camouflage is acceptable any time of year.
4. You eat dinner for lunch and supper for dinner. Both include ranch dressing.
5. You become absolutely giddy at the smell of crop defoliant.
6. You have a cousin or uncle or brother or husband or child or all-of-the-above named Bubba. Or Bubba, Jr.
7. Calling the hogs makes you downright teary-eyed.
Woooo Pig Sooie!
I would love to visit Arkansas some day and I am sure I will love it:) Gosh! This beautiful post makes me excited on the prospect of visiting ur city:)
If you come to the States, you should put Arkansas on your list. It is beautiful.
You HAD to mention the first day of dove season, didn’t you?????
But, I wear white any time…correction, I DON white…it’s only white the first five minutes. Loved this post, and I’m from Texas originally. Maybe we should switch?
I’m wearing white jeans today:))
Your post made me smile and included quite a few things I didn’t know about the natives there. LOL I feel so informed now!!
Thank you Kathy!
Awesome, Talya! I live about 4 and half hours from Osceola=), now, and once again, you’ve got me missing home. All seven of your descriptions of life in Arkansas are hilarious because they are exactamoondoly true!!!=) The music video you included is right on, right on, right on, and has really got me fired up for Razorback football this Saturday. My oldest son’s girlfriend, who happens to be from Oregon and is a huge Oregon Ducks fan, bought my son and herself tickets to this weekends game in Little Rock. My other two sons and I, jealous as we are of my oldest son, will be parked here on the couch watching the Hogs on television in our surround sound man cave media room, so it’s all good, and at least we won’t have to stand in line to go to the bathroom…or at least, I hope not. My wife and youngest son’s girlfriend will be here also, so, you know.=) Anyhow, I still love this blog and please, please, please keep on doing watchoo doing with your writing…You’re Awesome!!!
You know our friend Craig is an Oregon Duck fan:)) Your posts crack me up. You keep commenting and I’ll keep writing.
Ah! I know I can recognize an Arkansawyer from a mile now 🙂 Btw, PG Wodehouse taught me Pid-Hoooooey 🙂 Was he incorrect? 🙂
People from Arkansas must be distant relatives to people from Oklahoma. 🙂 My Grandpa, an Okie from Muskogee always eats supper for dinner, and as a result, so do I. He happens to know a Jr. or two….maybe his own brother is one. And giving directions with time vs miles is the only way to go!!!
I think you are correct Heather. The list is would work for every southern state as long as the schools are switched out.
What an interesting list. I’m sure we can all come up with crazy stuff from our home cities/towns that makes us seem alien to others, but is just so special to us, Talya.
I remember when I first learnt to pronounce Arkansas correctly!;)
I’m sure you’re right Corinne:))
Thanks to Corinne, I’m following you now, Talya! Let’s get that Southern thing goin’on here! Too many folks throughout the world just don’t know what they’re missing. Need to introduce them to grits . . .
Yay, thanks for following and commenting! And thanks to Corinne. Yes, love me some grits:))
I can relate to everyone of them!
Thanks for giving a peek into Arkansas. Nice.
Tht was truky a LOL list! Enjoyes reading it…
I know that I can be in Blytheville in about 15 minutes, but I have no idea how many miles it is. All I know, is it just up yonder a few miles.
My “is” got before my “it”………..