Relief of
a cold snap
after a long
Texas August
Wheat harvest
Smell of cotton
Poppa Rolla Pizza
Pink sunrise and
steaming coffee
Girlfriend time
Vintage things
Amazing Grace
Dog greeting
Home cooked
meals Wine
“Scatter joy!” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Musical Pairing:
Joy To The World, Three Dog Night
Note: This poem is a snowball losange – each line of text is one character longer than the prior then shrinks one character shorter to the end.
what a happy post. Thanks for the smiles this rainy Thursday morning!
This comment makes me happy:))
This brought me a lot of joy!! I love the pic of you two — you both look happy. Awesome poem!
Cheers, Jenn
Thank you!
Lovely! I didn’t know that poetry term either so as well as making me feel happy you taught me something too 🙂
I just stumbled upon this style – LOL – but it is fun to do!
Joyful diamante!
Visiting from GBE 2: Blog On group.
What’s a pink surprise? Very cool the shape of your poem.
sunrise…not surprise:)
I like the way you did that!
Blogging A to Z Challenge
Neat poem, Talya! I’d never seen one like that before. Also, it was good to see 3 Dog Night again!
A very joyous poem…and wonderful picture.
This poem and pic belong framed! Lovely and made me feel good inside!
All these amazing comments have made my day!
Lovely poem, had seen this style before and now I am educated as to the name of the style. thank you, it was wonderful.
Loved your poem, both the words and the artsy shape of it. Very creative. What fun! Great photos, too.
This was awesome, Talya! I loved your creative format and all the joy within it. :0)
Thank you!
Beautiful poem! 🙂
Oh My God Taylor! wow, I am speechless!
That is absolutely beautiful!
Frame it, cherish it & read it whenever you feel blue xxx
Well said, wonderful photo, and a great song too.
Jumping Jehosophat, that is a Awesome!!! Love your blog, Talya!
What an interesting way of presenting a poem. Words were great and the pic is lovely.
Ooh! a new form!! I like it. At first, I thought it would be an Etheree, but no………… Good job, you good writer and sweetheart and friend.
Awww coming from such an amazing poet, I am humbled. Thank you Pat!
Absolutely adorable. I read it twice! Also, love your pictures!
Thank you so much!
Love the poem, its form and the thoughts expressed. Cute picture of you two! Three Dog Night takes me back to some good times!
okay, i’m learning that there are different forms to this writing gig, hmmmm! Good one!
Didn’t know the name of this type of writing, but love your spring poem, very nice!
Lovely. Thanks so much for sharing it.