Sometime between the first televised moon landing and the last Bachelor rose ceremony, the Hasbro folks completely ruined the Easy Bake Oven.
Gone is the signature turquoise color. Gone is the 100-watt bulb used for cooking.
Like many toys from my magical youth, the Easy Bake is now constructed in cheap Chinese plastic, outsourced to East Asia only to be recalled in the USA. The worst part—the Easy Bake is now Pepto-Bismol pink. Must every girl thing be pink?
Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE Barbie, but is she now the CEO of Hasbro?
44ish years ago…
On Saturday morning after Thanksgiving over giant bowls of Lucky Charms, Staci and I studied the Sears Christmas Wish Book. A three inch tome often used as a booster seat at the dining room table, the pages were stuffed with dreams of things we didn’t know we needed. Things not sold in town at Sterling’s Five and Dime. We thoughtfully discussed the merits of each item before allowing it on our carefully crafted Christmas list.
This was an annual ritual and colossal decision. Gifts from Santa saw us through to summer birthdays.
The Easy Bake Oven, a novelty at the time, was at the top of the wish list. We both agreed with little discussion. We wanted that oven. Even more than the new Pan Am Barbie or Twister game.
We quickly posted our lists fireside allowing Santa plenty of time for toy building and sleigh packing. Santa was a busy man—almost as busy as Daddy.
On Christmas morning, presents were scattered around the room and the stockings were over-filled with chocolate candy and tiny trinkets, but the Easy Bake was our favorite and most used gift.
Once again, Santa had graciously overlooked our trespasses. Once again, Santa managed to locate our chimney way out in the country between Cottonwood Corner and Athelstan. These details were as amazing as the little turquoise oven. We attributed this continued good fortune to our daily consumption of Lucky Charms. They really were magical. Just like Christmas.
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
Musical Pairing:
You’re A Mean One, Mr. Grinch, Original 1966 Version
I have to admit, I never had a hankering for an Easy-Bake Oven when I was a kid, but maybe I should have…I would probably be a much better cook, or chef, today!=) My personal menu list is Mac and Cheese, Eggs, Hot Dogs, and Hamburgers!=) Back then, though, I’d have probably thought Santa had totally gotten his deliveries cross-wired if I’d opened an Easy-Bake oven present on Christmas morning.=) Which reminds me, I saw an article the other day on how toy companies are crossing gender lines and advertising their toys, such as the Easy-Bake Oven, for both girls and boys. As for me, I can’t see a large amount of sells for Easy-Bake Ovens in the boys market, but who knows, these days, I could be wrong!…Also, my brothers and I were bad about stealing that Leprechaun’s Lucky Charms, too.=) As a matter of fact, from time to time, I still do!=)
I remember the old Easy-Bake. My friend Melinda had one, and her mom watched a bunch of us after school because our parents worked. Melinda would make cornbread in that tiny pan and share it amongst us. It was tasty, as I recall. 🙂
I love Talya and Staci childhood stories!
Awesome slice of memories here!
Alas, all of us Couch girls were too old by then to even consider wanting this for Christmas. We had a mother who baked bread every week. Why would we need something like this. LOL
I never wanted an Easy-Bake oven as a child, but I do remember spending hours pouring over the Sears and JCPenny Christmas catalogs. I miss them.
I don’t remember what color my Easy Bake oven was but I totally agree with it being weird that all things girl are pink! Makes it hard to buy for my nieces. Great post!
Oh God I cannot tell you how much I want one of them ovens!!! I had never heard of them until this link post and now I am yearning for one!
Oh it looks soooooo cute!
I am so with you on the pink ‘thang’, I had a real struggle finding a non-pink tea set for my sons to play with. I mean hellooooo, males make tea too!
They were the BEST!!!! Yes, too much pink in this world.