This quote by author Joan Marques says it all—Simple things bring infinite pleasure. Yet, it takes us a while to realize that. Once simple is in, complex it out – forever.
It is common to get tangled in the constant activity and busyness of life, but living in Northwest Arkansas makes it easy for me to slow down and appreciate each day. The pace is much less hectic than Dallas. I marvel daily at the surrounding natural beauty just beyond my kitchen window. Sunrise over Mount Sequoyah. Brilliant autumn floating to the sidewalk. Here’s a recap of the simple things I’ve enjoyed recently.
1. In a word, bacon. I made these yummy bacon-wrapped apricot appetizers for friends using local Petit Jean bacon and White River Creamery goat cheese. (The recipe is similar to THIS one, but I used apricots instead of dates.)
2. Allergy Medicine. Along with the beautiful fall leaves and cooler temperatures comes allergies. Thank goodness for meds. Can I get an Amen?
3. Planting Iris. These irises came from my late mother-in-law’s yard in Fort Smith. I transplanted them into our Fayetteville garden, and I know she is smiling down on them.
4. Football weekend with friends and family. Plus the Razorback won big. Yay.
5. Long, quiet walks with the dogs. I take in the beautiful scenery while they take in the smells.
Here’s wishing you a week of simple pleasures filled with peace, friends and bacon.
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
Musical Pairing:
Cat Stevens – Peace Train