I’ve felt a bit lost this week, like I’m dancing with myself. Maybe it’s just a normal feeling for me after returning home from a weekend on the farm. Maybe it’s the smothering humidity that makes doing most anything outside a miserable chore. Maybe it’s just something I need to feel.
For those of you who think I live a perfect life 24-7, I’m here to tell you it ain’t always a bed of roses. I spent the good part of Monday fighting over payment of a $125 freelance article. Finally, after being treated like I was an idiot, I chalked the whole thing up to a waste of time. I’ll admit for a while the sour experience made me wonder why I ever left my day job at the bank. Oh how nice those regular pay checks were that showed up every two weeks no matter how successful my week had been.
Of course it’s about the writing, not the money. I have nothing to prove, but still, no matter the industry, appreciation is appreciated, right? Plus. It’s about being honest and doing what you say.
I know I’m rambling and mine are first world problems.
Good things happened this week, too. Lots of good things, and it’s only Thursday. Many of my readers took the time to comment on blog posts. You have no idea how that alone keeps me going some days. I had another adventure with Lucy and Annabelle (coming soon!), and I went to a release party at Nightbird Books for the new Harper Lee book, Go Set a Watchman.
Although I’m barely into the book, I will say it’s jarring to be thrown fast forward into a time when Scout is 26 and Atticus is 72.
Maybe in forty years someone will find one of my manuscripts and clammer to publish it? I can hope.
Here’s to a great, productive weekend ahead!
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
[tweetthis]I feel like I’m dancing with myself. Ever have one of those weeks? [/tweetthis]
Musical Pairing:
Billy Idol, Dancing with Myself