Hello, friends! I’m glad you are here for today’s November Sunday Letter.
I trust everyone survived Halloween with no tricks? I don’t know about you, but I’m glad to have all that candy out of our house and into the hands of goblins and princesses. (Okay, we still have a bit of chocolate, but just the amount two sensible people should have on hand for sweet tooth purposes.)
You probably don’t need a reminder, but this year is quickly circling the drain. Remember all those things you said you were going to do in 2023? Guess what? If you didn’t do them, it’s okay. We are all doing the best we can.
Nurturing November…
After too many treats of Halloween, November arrives in such an unassuming way. Life slows, nature prepares to rest, and I just want to lose myself in a good book. Maybe I’ll bundle up and go for a quiet walk in the woods. Make a new soup recipe. Build a fire in the fireplace. My pumpkins and gourds are still cozily decorating my home, and for a while longer, my plans include celebrating autumn.
I know, I know, it has become quite popular to rush Christmas, and if you’ve already jumped on the Polar Express, I support your early holiday cheer. BUT still, my autumn-loving-self worries you aren’t fully concentrating on the gifts of November.
Seriously, if you are already fa-la-la-ing, how can you be fully present for Sweet Potato Awareness Month? 😉
While stringing Christmas lights, you may have already missed National Men Make Dinner Day (Nov 3), and that’s a shame.
No way you can enjoy National Go For a Hike Day (Nov 17) while binge-watching Hallmark Christmas movies.
Once Thanksgiving is over, I will sprint into Christmas mode with the enthusiasm of Buddy the Elf, but until then, I’ll be relishing everything November offers. And in case you missed it, November 1st was National Author Day. Yes, feel free to celebrate with me all month long.
Happy November, friends!
Tiny November Things
This month on Instagram I am posting one thing I’m grateful for daily. Of course every single day I’m grateful for family and friends and good health, but for this specific activity I’m focusing on my favorite Tiny November Things.
I believe tiny things can make a real difference. And it’s good to celebrate even those tiny things.
For instance:
- Homemade Bread
- Frosted Leaves
- a Well-Told Story
The magic in tiny things is this—if you really notice the love that goes into making bread, the miracle of frost on a brilliant red maple leaf, the emotion evoked through a story’s carefully chosen words, you begin to realize the tiny things are most significant. These are the things bring color and joy to our days.
If you enjoy Instagram too, follow me there and join in the November fun.
About my next book…
Lots of people are asking about my next book—what’s the book about? / what’s the title? / when will it be published?
Oh, how I appreciate your excitement! It truly provides fuel for me.
Here’s what I’ll say about it…
- I almost have a completed hot mess of a rough draft.
- It is fiction, and as of right now I haven’t officially titled it.
- The story is loosely linked to The Accidental Salvation of Gracie Lee (not a sequel though).
- Publication date? It’s way too soon for me to say.
I know that’s not much to go on, but I don’t want anyone to get attached to an idea or title when the whole thing could still end up in the trash bin. (That’s always a possibility until it isn’t.)
Writing is a crazy, amazing thing I tell you.
Fire Pit Popcorn
Lo—I have a new favorite way to make popcorn.
On a perfect fall afternoon just before dusk, I made popcorn over our fire pit, and it was as entertaining to make as it was yummy to eat. I bought an outdoor popcorn popper from Terrain several years ago, and because of one thing or another (mainly my laziness), it went unused.
Finally, Friday night I popped two batches of delicious popcorn and served it with a drizzle of smoke-infused melted butter.
Yes, please. So yummy.
How it all went down:
Popcorn kernels with a bit of canola oil in the bottom.
Once the oil began to sizzle, the fun really began.
Every single kernel popped (thanks to Orville Redenbacher).
Melt the butter while the container is still hot.
Y’all, this is the perfect way to make popcorn in November! I’m calling it Ozark Jiffy Pop.
Next, I plan to experiment with different popcorn flavors. Cheese and garlic? Parmesan and rosemary? I hear nutritional yeast makes a yummy, nutty topping. Anyone know for sure?
Also, this makes me want to cook other foods over an open fire (besides the good ole’ standbys, hot dogs and marshmallows). Suggestions anyone?
Things Momma Says:
Thanks for reading my November Sunday Letter.
How will you celebrate + honor + utilize the remaining 56 days of 2023?
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
Your November Sunday letter is a most welcome ‘tiny’ thing. I’ve been concentrating this year on finding at least one bit of joy each day. You brought some joy to this cold November morning.
I’m so glad, Colene!! Stay warm.
I’m sitting in your boat. I love Christmas so much that I make holiday plans for the next year before I have packed up the current holiday pretties and bid them a very fond see you later. Frankly, I am still finding little Halloween treasures that need to go into storage for next years use. So, hand me one of your paddles and let me help you move on at a slower pace.
It is like paddling upstream, isn’t it?
A very well written Sunday November letter, may you and your family have a Blessed day and rest of the year. God Bless!!! The Douglass’
Thank you, and same to you!
I’m doing 30 Days of Thankfulness on Facebook, although I’ve already missed a day and had to make it up! I’m a substitute teacher and right now I’m doing a long-term job in a 7th grade Language Arts class. Between lesson planning, grading, and just dealing with the needs of 130+ students, plus my car being in the shop, it’s a lot of stress to deal with! Thankfully when my car died in the middle of the road during rush-hour school traffic on Thursday morning, I was able to get it started long enough to move it into a parking lot; then my boyfriend was able to get it started again so I could get to work before it died in my parking space there. We got it started on Friday afternoon and got it to the mechanic’s shop, and he’s supposed to look at it on Monday. I’m praying it’s not going to be a horribly expensive fix (we’re thinking the alternator which shouldn’t be terrible). But even with all the stress, I’m thankful to have a car and a job that I love (most of the time!) and my amazing boyfriend who made sure that my girls got to school, and I got to work. November is starting out crazy, but I’m hoping it will settle down soon. I’m looking forward to another book from you!
Thank you Kim! I’m sorry about your car (fingers crossed it’s an easy/inexpensive fix) but I love your positive attitude. And yay for a great job. I know you are making a difference in the lives of those students.
My tiny thing was coming across dozens and dozens of “frost flowers” on a recent walk. The conditions must have been perfect.
What will I celebrate? Feeling myself. A return to water aerobics and dog walking are again possible after I injured my self trying to think I could do things like I was 30 instead of real age😏.
Yay for perfect timing! I’m sorry about your injury but so glad you are well on the mend. Not being able to walk the dog makes for a sad house!
Love your Sunday letters Talya. It’s a good reminder to write down things I’m thankful for. I bet the sound of the popcorn popping was as delightful as the aroma. I’m going to make some rustic baked apple hand pies this evening and enjoy the process, no matter how “rustic” they turn out, lol.
Yes, the popping was exciting! BTW, my next book includes hand pies! LOL. We must be on the save wavelength.
I still need November, too, and cannot start decorating for Christmas until at least the day after Thanksgiving. I love the colors of autumn and the cool, crisp mornings. I’m grateful that Rachel Hough and I still trade daily points of gratitude each day. Although she’s in OK and I’m in AR, we’ve gotten to know and love one another in the process. I love you, too, my friend!
I love how you and Rachel connected and stay in touch. That’s one of the many blessings to come from that first blogger conference we attended. Love you too, Dorothy! And miss you. Happy November.