Did you think you’d never see another Sunday Letter? Oh my goodness, I’ve put lots of miles on Betty White driving way down into the deep south and back. I’ve put lots of thoughts on paper too. Some of these thoughts might even make it into my next book.
That’s the plan anyway.
After a trip, it takes me some time to settle back into a routine. And it takes some time to process all the goodness that comes from travel—I’m not sure I’ve completely done that yet. Within a week’s time, I went from strolling on the beach, to walking the farm turnrow, to treading the city sidewalks of Fayetteville, dog leashes in hand.
Three things: 1) A change of scenery is a powerful thing; 2) Every place provides its own special magic; 3) said magic becomes more potent after having been away a while.
Story Camp
My time away at Story Camp on St. George Island absolutely exceeded my expectations. I headed there with a couple of writing goals in mind, and yay for accomplishing them! The best writer retreats happen when a few key elements come together—a strong facilitator, attendees that mesh, an environment conducive to creativity.
With Story Camp, we had all that plus more!
This group. Wow. I left inspired and grateful and filled to the brim with joy. The power of an ocean setting with quiet, uninterrupted time = the perfect scenario when trying to uncover a new story.
I can’t wait to see these ladies (hopefully) next spring. Yes, Story Camp will be an annual trip if at all possible.
There is definitely a unique synergy that comes with spending time around other creatives. I highly recommend this type of writer experience.
My cup is still full from the experience.
Bird+Aging Humor
This meme on Facebook still has me laughing out loud.
I don’t think I’ve ever truly been indifferent to birds, but compared to now, maybe I was.
What makes most things funny is a truth element delivered with perfect timing. I read this nugget just after straining my eyes to find the Summer Tanager my birding app identified in the tree canopy. Just after installing reflectors on our kitchen windows to keep the birds from striking them. Just after making a special trip to the bird store for safflower seed.
Real life can truly be hilarious if you open your eyes to it.
Credit to the Arkansas Birders Facebook page for sharing the meme. That I am a proud member of said group 100% proves its point.
For the Birds
But seriously, our kitchen windows are sometimes a hazard for birds, especially when they are super clean.
Clean windows? What’s this nonsense? I know, I know. Bird collisions provide motivation enough for me to leave a coating of pollen on them. But my husband has mad skills when it comes to making glass sparkle (lucky for me, not so lucky for the birds). Unable to distinguish outside from inside, birds will collide into the glass thinking they can fly right through.
It doesn’t happen often, but a few times a year is too many for my bird-loving soul. Window collisions are one of the leading direct human causes of bird mortality. And because of this, last week I installed reflectors on our two problematic kitchen windows, those with the most wide open views.
A package of 48 frosted 1.8″ round decals cost $22 on Amazon. I placed them randomly on the upper portion of the glass; the lower windows have enough surrounding shrubbery to keep birds from colliding. Peace of mind for me + a more safe environment for the birds = yay!
Memorial Day Weekend
Memorial Day began as a way to honor those who died in the Civil War. Over time, it has become a day to honor all American veterans who gave their lives in sacrifice to our nation. For most of us (fortunately), it’s easy to slip into the fun of Memorial Day and celebrate the weekend as the unofficial start to summer. School’s out, the weather has warmed, farmers hopefully have a good stand on their cotton and soybeans, roses are blooming, and if you listen closely, you might already hear the splash of kids jumping into the city pools.
But take a moment to sit with the reality and real reason for Memorial Day. So many lives have been given in service to our country.
Neighborhood Get-Together
We hosted a neighborhood get-together Friday night. While I failed to take pictures of our human guests, I did photograph these yummy friends.
Dessert + art!
So hard to choose.
You’ve not had a macaron until you’ve had one from Alchemy in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Each pillowy-soft bite IS true alchemy. And the classic egg dish showcases each variety of color and flavor.
What’s Blooming and Growing this Week?
So much!
Here are a few of my favorites.
Things Momma Says:
It’s been a long time since a man gave me his phone number.
Thanks for being here and thanks for understanding when I miss a Sunday Letter or two. Juggling all the things is sometimes tricky.
Happy Memorial Day weekend from my home to yours.
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
Love reading you on Sunday!♥️
Thank you.
Thank you!!
Your retreat sounds wonderful. What a great way to serve macaroons! Thanks for sharing Tina! May she RIP!
The world lost a remarkable woman.
As usual, I thoroughly enjoyed this Sunday Letter. I really laughed at the birding meme. Thank you!
Happy for your refreshing writers retreat.
From another Mississippi County Delta girl !!
Yes, that birding meme still has me laughing. Haha, if you know you know, right?
Perfect timing for us too since we had just come in from a listening session outside. We were looking for that same Summer Tanager!
I am seriously obsessed with the Merlin app:)
Your photo of the butterfly weed is prompting me to tell you of a delight followed by a crash a couple of weeks ago. I was out searching the weed (oh sorry, garden) bed that runs between my yard and neighbors. He had thrown butterfly weed seeds in the rocks and I wanted to make sure I didn’t pull them out in my ruthless weeding. There, on one of the plants was a caterpillar munching away. I took a photo, sent it to my neighbors, ran inside to search for and then compare it to your monarch caterpillar picture of awhile back and, yes, it was a monarch caterpillar!
Two hours later I went to check on it and I almost cried. A wasp was just finishing devouring it😫. The shriveled up remains of the caterpillar’s striped body were all that remained. It took all my might not to smash the wasp, but then I would have smashed the plant too. I tried to rationalize that it’s the “circle of life” but obviously, it still makes me sad.
So the bird watching meme could easily apply to the insect/plant world! I’m off this morning to carefully dig up just one of the Indian Lipstick plants I found in a clump along the roadside!
Glad your writing retreat was fruitful. It makes me a little nostalgic. I’m a fulll-on birdwatcher, too. My biggest thrill so far this season were Baltimore Orioles and a Scarlet Tanager that stopped by for grape jelly. And we have bluebirds again.
Thank you so much for taking the time to write these Sunday Letters, I take something away from each one and they always take me home to Kennett and Leachville. This week I must thank you for reminding me that I live less than a mile from the Gulf and less than a mile from a beach that is rated number one in the world and haven’t been there in more than two decades. I had forgotten just how grounding and soothing it is at the gloaming to hear the waves break on the shore, as a girl it was one of my favorite things to do. I will do it this week. And just a silly note, living the land of perpetual summer, I think I would have gone for the snowflake shaped decals. I do make up for it at Christmas however, I put up a tree in every room, including the bathrooms and they make me forget that the AC has been running solidly for three years.
That is five miles from the beach.
I lead a book club in Tontitown. I am reading The Accidental Salvation of Gracie Lee and would like to recommend it for one of our books for the coming book club year which begins in August. Would you be willing to come- maybe in October to meet with us? Our group is an eclectic group of around 20 ladies. We are connected to Cross Pointe Community Church in Tontitown, but several of our book club members are not members of the church. We meet the fourth Thursday night each month during the school year. Many of our members are teachers – active or retired. I would love for you to join us. We try to support local writers.
Bonnie Sisemore ( leader and retired English teacher)
479-361-2281 text or call
[email protected]
Hi there! Yes and thank you for the invitation. I just sent you an email.