It took me a while to come up with my One Little Word for 2019. I ended the year on a bone-tired note and began to wonder if I wanted to continue blogging at all. (Hahaha, of course I do!) But the truth is I’ve felt drained as of late, mainly because I let outside influences influence me. Seriously, the negative news and dialog can get to a person.
Anyway… If you aren’t familiar with One Little Word, click HERE and read all about the concept from founder Ali Edwards. In a nutshell, you choose a word for the year and rally around that word as inspiration throughout the year. The brain really is incredible. It’s amazing what will happen if you focus energy on the positive.
A single word can be a powerful thing. ~ Ali Edwards
I believe it.
In past years I’ve chosen these words: believe, balance, focus, savor, grow. Whatever I happened to be doing, I’ve made my word part of the equation. And for the most part, my word helped keep me centered, take the next step, and reach goals.
But everything feels different this year. Like I need a restart button. Maybe even a brief timeout to think and reboot.
So that’s where I’m starting.
I’ve chosen REFRESH as my one little word.
It feels right.
In 2019 I’m seeking out a calmer, quieter, more productive place away from clutter and distraction and noise. I’m focusing on what I can change to recharge my writing, hear my internal voice, tweak my outlook for the future.
My ideas to jumpstart things—
- Reorganize closets and drawers and computer files. I do this on a regular basis and always at the beginning of the year. The arranging and purging process makes me breathe easier.
- Spend more time in nature. Nature helps me reset and refocus on what’s important.
- Stop multi-tasking. Instead, I will do one thing at a time and really engage with what I’m doing.
- Start a practice of mindful walking.
- Get back to yoga!
- Cook new to me (healthy) recipes.
- Seriously limit social media.
- Write more.
- Let go (or revamp) time-consuming endeavors.
- Read more variety.
So Far So Good
2019 Things: My goal for January is to purge 2,019 things from our house. Sounds like a lot of things, doesn’t it? Yesterday within the matter of an hour I sacked up 50 things (yes, I am counting the items and making a list). So far the purged items include assorted clothing and costume jewelry. I will cover the whole house by the time I’m finished.
Arrange by Color: Have you noticed that many of the trendy boutiques display clothing by color? I decided to do the same in my disheveled section of the closet. Already I can see how much easier it is to find an article of clothing.
Magic of Tidying Up: A couple of years ago I began folding my t-shirts the way Marie Kondo, author of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying-Up proposed. About twice a year, I go through my (way too-large) collection of t-shirts donating a few and reorganizing the others. If you’ve never tried this method of folding and storing, it is truly a space + time-saver because you can see what you have.
Do you choose a word for the year? If so, I’d love to hear your word.
Cheers to a New Year of peace, health, and productive endeavors. Onward!
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
Great choice for where you are. You had a busy 2018–lots of good things but tiring I am sure. I didn’t choose a word last year and wasn’t sure I wanted to this year. But as I read your post, one came to me. Refocus. Refocus on areas vital to my (and Terry’s) wellbeing with the expectation that I’ll see where to expend my time and energy on what’s best for us.
Good word Dorothy. Our words do reflect where we are in life.
Balance is my word for this year. I tend to focus on work too much, even though I have, more flexible job. So balance fits my emerging lifestyle.
I wanted to share that you can get a free 2019 in 2019 decluttering chart from “Nourishing Minimalism” website. Then you can just check mark little grid squares as you toss/donate. Considering I completed a chart in 2017 and 2018 and am now starting 2019 you’d think I’d have nothing left! Not the case! Huge help in our preparing to move across the country.
I was convinced to try out One Word (before now, I’ve always rejected this idea). Mine for 2019 is “commit.” May your 2019 be refreshing, indeed!
Love your ideas! I hope you enjoy the satisfaction of accomplishing them in 2019. Happy New Year!
I thought about relax, chillax, (let it) flow, breathe…
Decided on “loose”, as in “loosen up”, because I’m always so tense!