Dear Sunday Letter friends,
Oh, what a week! This past week has been filled with great news, I got things done, and spent lots of time with friends. I reached a milestone, too. For the first time ever, I got the senior discount. LOL. Some folks may be upset by the idea of qualifying for a senior discount, but I like saving five bucks for being fifty-five +.
The week brought a big dose of culture in the form of two live performances in two nights. I saw Clybourne Park (a University of Arkansas Theatre production) and Jersey Boys (Walton Arts Center).
Both incredible!
Alabama Rock
I hate to mention the word Alabama in this Sunday Letter of all Sunday Letters, but rest assured this isn’t about Alabama football or Nick Saban’s rock-hard, never-ever-let-them-see-you-smile sideline demeanor. Of course, Arkansas did score 31 points when I expected 7 max.
No, this is literally about a rock. An Alabama-shaped rock I found in the backyard of our little cottage. Much like looking for shapes in the clouds, I also look for shapes in rocks. As I said last week, the backyard is a treasure trove for unusual stones and such.
You’re probably getting tired of hearing about the cottage, but the renovations, both outside and inside, have been swallowing me up lately. And those life-swallowing things are often what I write about.
Upon closer inspection, it appears the state of Alabama gifted a few of the lower counties to the Florida panhandle, but cool rock, yes?
Underside of the Flower
We are drawn to the flower’s pretty parts, the petals that attract the bees and butterflies, the stamen which I consider to be the heart of the blossom, the receptacle for pollen and creation. One morning this week as I walked Lucy and Annabelle, a particular flower stood with her back to the world. For the first time, I noticed the underside of the coreopsis, bright as a starburst yet somehow more real and vulnerable than ever before.
This got me thinking…
Real life is often about the things we don’t see. The underside things. The things inside. Words we don’t say. What we feel and believe. In our world today, so much of life feels orchestrated, curated, designed for Pinterest. We see what we are allowed to see.
But if we look closer and listen better, we might find bits and pieces of a richer, better story.
Hens and Chicks
I planted a little succulent garden in an old birdbath. The cracked bottom no longer held water, so I thought it would be the perfect container for succulents. I placed a flat rock across the bottom to partially block the hole yet still allow for water drainage. Next, I added a few scoops of garden soil and planted baby succulentsโtwo Hens & Chicks and a sedum varietyโthat will soon grow, multiply, and fill the birdbath planter.
It makes me smile every time I walk past it!
A Very Big Week!
It’s odd how you can shuffle through a week and nothing worth talking about happens. And thenโBAM!โa spigot opens and all the good things spill out at once.
Last week was that week for me.
- Momma’s furniture and boxes arrived on a truck from Texas. She’s really moving to Fayetteville. Yay! ?
- My editor officially began editing my next book. โ
- My critique partner received amazing news! (It isn’t my news to share but I am thrilled for her.)โญ
- Our daughter got ENGAGED! ?
Oh, you know I have lots to say about #4 on the list, but I don’t want to scare my soon-to-be new son-in-law quite yet. (Actually, I think he’s hard to scare.) Bottom line, I’m over the moon excited. With one phone call, the puzzle pieces of my world fell into place because, really, knowing our baby chicks are happy…what else is there?
Things Momma Says:
The ice cream parlor closed Monday. I guess they heard I’m moving.
Cheers to another week of goodness!
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
[tweetthis]Today’s Sunday Letter is filled with the best sort of news and succulents.[/tweetthis]
Musical Pairing:
Today I Met the Boy I’m Going to Marry, Darlene Love
1-Alabama Rock: That Alabama-shaped rock is an omen. My college roommate from Alabama will be
my first guest at the little cottage. (Non-family guest.)
2-Underside of the Flower: Who doesn’t want to turn their back on the world, occassionally. Not often,
but sometime.
3-Hens and Chickens: I love the little new, old birdbath.
5-Kelsey and Preston: They are engaged……wonderful news! Welcome to our crazy family. Preston.
(The hat and purse in the little picture of Kels is what I wore to Thomas’
graduation from Arkansas Tech in 1960.)
6-The Ice Cream Parlor: I wish I had the ice cream that tasted like apple pie, one more time. (I had this
when my cousin Jean came to visit me at the Shops of Legacy.)
7-I have much more to say this morning, but I’M MOVING!!! Have you heard?
8-Red Roosters in Fayetteville. โค๏ธโค๏ธ
You need to provide detailed commentary on every Sunday Letter:))
I would say that was a bang up week!
For sure!! Thanks, Cathy.
Congratulations on the engagement, how exciting for you all! I also have that light green sedum. My sister gave me some pieces of hers, she said you just stick them in the dirt. It worked, starting to grow more now. Seems it had tiny yellow flowers on it at first.
Hi Carol. Yes, if pieces break off, I replant them and they grow. My kind of plant!
Your mom cracks me up. I know you will be glad to have her close.
Yes I will. I should be able to get lots more material!
I always take advantage of senior discounts! Why not? I feel your excitement for your daughter’s engagement and for your mom moving close by. Congratulations to all. I’m excited to hear the update on your next book! Barbara pretty much covered all of the subjects and I concur with her. I’m also looking forward to the day I meet her. When is Staci moving to Fayetteville? I am not tired of hearing cottage updates. Have a great week!
Thanks, Colene! I know I can always count on your readership!
Concerning the senior citizen discount, did you tell them you were only 29? LOL
Haha yeah right!
I loved all your week of good news . Cannot wait to get your new book .So happy you are getting a son in law . Sad that Barbaragail is moving to Arkansas. But so happy she is going to be near you . We have shared so many trips to Keiser. Memories of her place at Legacy. Coming to my Christmas Open House , reunions and great visits to the Ranch .
And the times she brought Milford and Aunt Lavern .
Hey , I am happy to come see her in Fayetteville and make more memories. I love her much
Take good care of her and keep her out of trouble
If possible!
You will definitely have to come visit us in Fayetteville!
I love how a simple little thing such as planting a couple of plants can totally uplift you. Great news all around – you had a great week!
I did! Thank you so much.