Today makes two Sundays in a row for my Sunday Letter. I’m not patting myself on the back yet, but one more, and we may have ourselves have a trend. If you missed my inaugural Sunday Letter, you can read it HERE.
The past week disappeared into a windy blur, a jumble of weather. Yes, we had seventy degrees followed by freezing weather followed by sun then fog. Nature always promises surprises this time of year. Just when I feel I may wither from cabin fever, sharp-bladed daffodil shoots slice through the soil. But the moment I dare to dream of spring, cold weather returns to let me know winter isn’t done with us yet.
Soon, though!
Finally, we got some rain yesterday (with more in this week’s forecast). For some time now, we have been in desperate need of a good, long soaking. Lucy and Annabelle aren’t fans of the wet, but rain makes for great writing weather, great growing weather. All those spring bulbs beginning to stir need rain to put on a proper show.
Have I ever told you that we have a cistern, original to our 143-year-young house? It holds 3,500 gallons of rainwater. Yes, we use Arkansas rainwater for watering plants in summer. I love this about our house.
One of my mother’s best and oldest friends, Margaret Garrett of Little Rock, died suddenly and unexpectedly a week ago. She was laid to rest the day before Valentine’s Day. I’ve been thinking a lot about Margaret. When we were kids, my sister and I spent hours and hours playing with her kids, Sara, James & Wesley. Their backyard in Osceola became our very own version of the game show, Let’s Make a Deal. We imagined it, and it was real. The contestants, the three curtains, the fabulous prizes. And a booby prize, of course.
Two years ago, I had a book signing in Little Rock at WordsWorth Books. Afterward, Margaret, who helped organize it, made me a fabulous scrapbook to commemorate the event. She had a vested interest, you see, as she was partial inspiration for the Maggie character in my novel. Only one-third of the character, she said, which was probably correct.
The best one-third.
Old People Make Noise.
Yesterday, the Hogs beat the Aggies in basketball. Woo Pig Sooie! John and I were there for it (making lots of noise). Live basketball games are SoMuchFun. Especially when your team is on FIRE.
Lower Delta Talks.
Exciting news: I’ve been asked to participate in Lower Delta Talks 2018!
Lower Delta Talks (sponsored by Mississippi’s Lower Delta Partnership) is a lecture series that celebrates the history, culture, and nature of the Mississippi River Delta. I don’t have to tell you, this is smack dab along the turnrow where I live and breath.
Lower Delta Talks runs annually from March – November. I don’t have much information yet, as the official calendar hasn’t been released. I do know I’m scheduled in October. Another thing I know: this gives me another Deep South Road Trip to plan AND puts Gracie Lee Eudora Abbott one bicycle ride closer to the Eudora Welty House & Garden.
More to come.
Cheers to a brand-spanking-new, highly productive, possibly rain-soaked week plus Sunday Letter No. 2!
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
[tweetthis]Sunday Letter with news of #LowerDeltaTalks #WPS and #spring! [/tweetthis]
Musical Pairing:
Tea-Soaked Letter, Anna Burch
Talya!!! My Mom loved you and Staci so very much. She was extremely proud of you and all that you’ve accomplished. She loved the stories we wrote and the games we played. Mom was very proud of being “1/3 Maggie”!!! Thank you for your kind and sweet words. It’s never easy; but your beautiful family makes me smile!!
Sara Garrett Rose
Love you all! I hate that I wasn’t at the funeral:((((( Hope to see you soon.
Thank you for another interesting and fun Sunday letter! That’s right, if you do it more than twice it becomes a trend. I like that spring is only 11 days away but on my calendar it is 30 days off, the difference between the meteorological calendar and the astronomical calendar. I’ll go with your method. 🙂 Have a wonderful wet week Talya. Our forecast is looking pretty wet too.
Love your Sunday letters. I only talked with Margaret twice—once at the signing and one day when I ran into her at the library—and I found her to be delightful. Felt like we were new friends. I was so sad the day I saw her obit in the AR Dem-Gaz. Also, it’s so cool that you’ll be part of Lower Delta Talks. Congratulations!
Tayla, hope this is wrong, but I just hear that the old Mississippi County bank building, currently Osceola CITY Hall burned!! Any news from there ?
I know a building on the square burned but I’m not sure which one. It wasn’t the courthouse building thank goodness!