I thought I should let y’all know I haven’t died. It’s been a week since I blogged which is a long time for me. Here’s the thing. I’ve been working on Book Two. And doing other things. Other things in the life of a writer are also known as writing distractions.
Distractions come is all sorts of packaging with a variety of labels. Like wasting time on Facebook. Watching The Voice. Enjoying a long lunch at a restaurant instead of eating a quick sandwich at home. I’m not knocking distractions. I think giving the mind a break can be a productive and inspirational thing. But, recognizing distractions is important, too, especially if you ever plan to finish that book.
You know?
Regarding Book Two, I have a completed draft, so yay! Some say finishing a draft is the hardest part. I agree. But once the draft is finished, editing becomes the hardest part. It’s easy to make excuses, put it off, find a million things to do other than see a manuscript to the end.
Editing is hard work and fun. This is the part that takes the story to the next level. The writer fills in gaps and holes, develops character, makes the narrative flow with ease. To all you authors, I highly recommend hiring a professional editor before submitting to a publisher. Editing is much more than grammar and spelling.
Decorating for Halloween is currently one of my favorite distractions. John and I are having a Halloween party soon so I can’t not decorate. Look who’s staring at me while I write…
Johnny Cash:
We’ll be headed to Mississippi County soon to attend the Johnny Cash Heritage Festival. I’m excited to see my Momma, be home during harvest, AND hear Kris Kristofferson in concert in Dyess, Arkansas. If you’re interested in attending, read more about it HERE.
I always consider a trip home to the Delta part of book research. It feeds my writing soul.
Mississippi County cotton harvest, 2017 | photo courtesy of Jim Johns, Wilson, Ar.
Two more things:
My wrist is healing. Since mid-September, I’ve been doing physical therapy twice a week. I appreciate all the prayers and well wishes since this crazy accident in July.
Tonight at 5:30, I’ll be doing an author talk at the Boone County Library. Come on out if you live near Harrison, Arkansas!
Later friends,
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
[tweetthis]My writing distractions include Halloween and Johnny Cash. #authorlife #amwriting [/tweetthis]
Musical Pairing:
Paul McCartney, Distractions
It’s good to know you are still alive and well. You have very interesting distractions! Great news on your next book update! Keep up the good work! ❤️
I am so ready to be in Mississippi County. The harvest. You & John home. Johnny Cash. Kris Kristofferson. Buddy Jewel. Wilson Cafe. Osceola Country Club. Muddy Mississippi. Cotton. And on & on…….Oh, and Willie Nelson!!
I will look for you Saturday at the festival-would love to hear more about your latest book!
Congratulations on Book 2!
Yay for getting to the editing stage!
Loved book 1. Can’t wait to read 2. I so enjoy your blog and have read several of your book recommendations. Good luck with editing and enjoy the distractions.
I’m learning that being retired is a privilege and whatever we do to fill our time (thereafter) is sacred. So time off or distractions now and then are necessary, imho.
Hope you all have a blast this w/end! So wish we could all be together as a family for this big event in MissCo! Fun and love to all! WPS!