Hip hooray for another summer (yay!). Because I’m a list-making sort of person, I decided a summer bucket list was in order. This isn’t likely a generic, appeal-to-everyone summer bucket list, but it’s what I hope to do. And maybe it will inspire you to come up with your own list.
Lists help me get things accomplished. I like that whole check mark thing.
So here ya go, my summer bucket list…
— Go to a drive-in. In Arkansas, there are only three remaining open drive-ins including the 112 Drive-In in Fayetteville. I’ve been planning to go since I moved here. This summer, I’m going, even though that will involve staying up past my bedtime.
— Host a porch party. Porch parties were the norm in our Dallas neighborhood. We’re gonna have one here.
— Grill lobster. I’ve never done this which is crazy because I love lobster.
— Go to the Shiloh Museum in Springdale. Yep.
— Hike on a new-to-me trail. Sooner rather than later.
— Ditch the blow dryer. My hair will be happy.
— Spike a watermelon. There’s one in my kitchen waiting…
— Take real pictures with a camera. CrazytalkIknow.
— Read something I wouldn’t normally read.
—Attend a small country church service. Yes, like Boon Chapel.
— Go to a library somewhere once a week. I write best surrounded by lots of books.
— Donate a big load of stuff to the Salvation Army or similar place.
Alrighty. I showed you my list, now you show me yours.
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
[tweetthis]Summer Bucket List: I’ll show you mine if you show me yours ? #summertime #bucketlist[/tweetthis]
Musical Pairing:
Rascal Flatts, Summer Nights
Oh yes! I can’t manage without my list. The best part is checking off what I have accomplished. I often do something that wasn’t on the list so I have to add it just so I can check it off. Haha Is that a sort of sickness or OCD? It sounds like you will have a great summer.
Oh I so do that too, especially on my official to-do list. Whatever it takes to stay motivated, I say!
Like the list idea…. I hope the drive-in movie isn’t in this part of the State…. If so watch out for the mosquitos.
Oh, no, we have one right here in Fayetteville. Mosquitoes here are nowhere near Delta levels.
Great list! You and I have some of the same things. Except I never even thought about a spiked watermelon! I haven’t had one since college! I have always wanted to have a porch party. The mosquitos and ants are just so bad outside in my area, I’m hesitant to do it, but I would love to! – Amy @ http://thegiftedgabber.com/
We don’t have too bad a mosquito problem here, thank goodness.
Grilled lobster. My mother and I used to do this a lot. We’d take the lobster tail and split the shell top with a sharp pair of scissors and then kind of crack that back so that it makes a little trough in the meat below. Into that trough, we’d put garlic, butter, other seasonings (lemon/lime zest, for instance). Salt. Pepper. Then flex the shell back so that it closes over the butter and seasonings, wrap the entire tail in foil, and grill it over indirect heat for about 12 minutes (time will vary).
OMG. So nom-a-licious.
That sounds so marvelous and fail proof. Gonna do it!
All the posted ideas are fun! Why don’t we do fun stuff during the Fall/Winter/Spring? Why do we leave all the fun for Summer? Just a question for pondering…
My list:
*The beach. That’s booked.
*Read for pleasure. Starting the 2nd book.
*Swim. Has become a near-daily occurrence.
*Organize my office. I hesitate to do this because there’s a potential move in my future…
*Wrap my brain around lesson planning.
We do fun things then too, don’t we? I’ll do lists for each season this year! Thanks for the idea. You have a good list going, especially with the beach booked. And I predict you will LOVE book 2… Can’t wait to hear your thoughts.
I like your bucket list, Talya. Have an amazing summer!
You too, Martha!!
T your summer bucket list is fantastic. I especially like the drive in movie item. My sister and I went every summer growing up. I hear it is still open and has had many improvements. The last 2 summers E & P have created a summer bucket list and vacation list of things to do. A few items have carried over from last year like a round of golf in the blazing heat, Peter Pan putt putt, game night and the beach. An item we added this year is Tuesday family dinner & movie night. The only night we are together and don’t have evening baseball. Cost of the movie is $5 for a regular movie & $10 for IMAX and if we don’t find one we like at the theater then we rent one or Netflix.
I went to the drive-in in my hometown, but usually with friends or double-dates. The screen is still standing, but barely. It closed years ago. I love that E&P do lists every summer. That’s great. And movie night is a wonderful idea too.
I like your list. I don’t have one yet, but I shall start one. I haven’t been to a drive-in in half a century–probably literally.
Cannot imagine a porch party at my house, with a western facing porch, unless it was after dark, or even in the early a.m. Ha! Hubs and I do breakfast out there from time to time, and it does have a small table and cozy chairs, just for that purpose.
However, out back it is cool in the evenings and is an elevated deck… Not the same, I know…
How very balanced! A little work, a little play, a little rest. Perfection! Cheers to an amazing summer, Talya!
Thanks Sarah!