Y’all—one of the most fun things about being an author is being invited to attend a book club when your own book is being discussed! I’ve already participated in three book clubs in Texas (one via Skype), and I just attended my first one in Fayetteville last Thursday night.
Through the years, I’ve been part of various book clubs. Each has involved great food, lively conversation, adult beverages, and (sometimes) a book discussion. Not necessarily in that order.
Thursday night’s book club had all the elements for a roaring good time. It helps that everyone loved my book and had lots of insightful questions. This is yet another unexpected thrill to my writing adventure.
Michelle, the hostess, went all out with a meal worthy of a Boon Chapel Harvest Supper. Appetizers included deviled eggs and pimento cheese. The main course was so perfect and southern and delish—fried chicken, collards, mashed potatoes, and cornbread salad.
Don’t you love the chalkboard paint glasses below? That might be sangria in there. (Yeah, most of it was already in my belly.) Not only was sangria never served at Boon Chapel, but I doubt the word was ever uttered in the building. Boon Chapel was most definitely a sweet tea / punch place. If you squint, that sangria looks like punch.
Ellen made the to-die-for cake from an old family recipe that just happens to be called Aunt Fannie’s Chocolate Cake. Apparently we both had baking Aunt Fannies. In fact, after hearing a few of Ellen’s stories, I’m pretty sure we are related. She needs to write a book, or I need to hang with her and be her ghost writer…
Barbara and Laurie—hanging on every word. Not my words. Ellen’s words…
Here’s the Southern Living cover worthy cake… Those butterflies!
So rich and creamy.
Thank you, Barbara, for the invite and to all you ladies for such a memorable evening. I’m looking forward to the next book club. I was officially invited to join. Hopefully that wasn’t the sangria doing the inviting… Or the remembering.
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
[tweetthis]Scenes from a Fayetteville book club – all the ingredients for a roaring good time. #TheAccidentalSalvationofGracieLee #mustread[/tweetthis]
Need a book? Order here===> ACCIDENTAL SALVATION
Musical Pairing:
Brett Young – Sleep Without You
OH, that looks like so much fun, and the food looks just like a harvest supper at Boon Chapel.
You are on a roll. It is so much fun following this great adventure of yours. Of course they all loved your book. What’s not to love?
That does it. I’m forming a book club. Butterflies, cake, laughter, and Southern women. What could be better?
It’s a fun thing!
From the MacMillan dictionary: “punch (n): a sweet drink made with fruit juice and usually alcohol”
You’re covered. It’s “punch.” Just because Boon Chapel happens to hear the same word and interpret it differently isn’t Gracie’s fault… 😉
Oooh, I didn’t know punch officially “usually” included alcohol!