What am I working on? Lots of things. I’m having a hard time concentrating on one particular thing because there’s so much I want to be doing, as well as things that need my attention.
Rabbits. I’ve been chasing rabbits. And speaking of rabbits, you must read my friend Gary Henderson’s post about Rabbit Holes. Especially you writers. I can so relate, and I’m sure you will too.
So here are my rabbits projects.
Sequel: I’ve started on my sequel.? Although I haven’t made huge progress in the overall picture, starting is one of the hardest parts. And maybe if I announce it to my blogiverse, I will concentrate on it more? One thing to note, unlike The Accidental Salvation of Gracie Lee which was titled at the end, I already have a title I love. It’s way too early to announce it, so you’ll have to be patient. That’s a virtue, you know.
I avoided doing a newsletter forever, unable to see the point of it. But now I do. And I’m eager to venture into this new-to-me format. My first monthly Newsletter, called Graciegram, will be going out around lunchtime today. There’s only one way to get it. Via email.
If you’d like to receive it, sign up here. Also, if you provided your email address at one of my book signings, you’re already on the list. Easy peasy. If you decide it isn’t for you, it won’t hurt my feelings if you unsubscribe. Well maybe a little.
Graciegram will include a roundup of interesting, informative, fun things not found on my blog. Pinky swear.
Events: Be sure to check my schedule HERE to keep up to date with speaking engagements and book signings. I’m on the verge of adding a few new ones.
Reviews: Thank you to everyone who has given me feedback via Facebook and by private message or email. I so appreciate all the comments and sharing! Lots of folks don’t realize how important Amazon reviews are to authors. And that reviews are written by people like you and me. If you’d like to read my most recent Amazon reviews and write one yourself, HERE’S THE LINK (click then scroll midway down). FYI, you can write an Amazon review for any product you’ve purchased—this helps small business owners because people make purchases based on customer feedback. You do, right?
T-Shirts: There’s still time to order your Gracie Lee t-shirt, but supplies are running low. Once they are gone, I don’t plan to order more. Thanks to everyone who has posted pictures of themselves wearing Gracie Lee!
Where in the World is Gracie Lee? I’ve been blown away by all the pictures posted of The Accidental Salvation traveling with readers on business and/or vacation and/or arriving in the mail. If you want your Gracie Lee location featured in an upcoming Graciegram, send me a pic via email or post it to Facebook or Instagram and tag me. Gracie Lee travels not only by bicycle…
More to come!
Talya Tate Boerner
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
[tweetthis]What am I working on? For starters, a monthly #newsletter. It’ll be cool, pinky swear! #Graciegram #signup[/tweetthis]
Musical Pairing:
Talking Heads, And She Was
We haven’t heard about your armadillo recently. Maybe he has been replaced by a rabbit or two or ten! ??
Haven’t seen him knock on wood. I think you may be right!
I feel like that’s all I do is chase rabbits! I’ll definitely be checking out that post, and I subscribed to your newsletter!
Thanks Rachel! You’ll definitely relate to the article.
This all sounds very exciting! So happy for you!!!
Thanks, Amanda!
Joined! But with a different email, so you might not recognize it. 🙂
Also, thanks for the link!
It’s a great article! I could so relate.
I also chase rabbits, but have faith we’ll get onto the right path. I’m looking forward to the newsletter. Also just wrote a review on Amazon. Love Gracie Lee.