Just a quick post to say Happy Sunday, Happy Spring, and go away winter. Today is the first day of spring but it doesn’t feel like it. I’m so over this cold weather. When I left Austin it was 92—not that I look forward to the hot summer because I don’t—but tonight our low in Fayetteville is 25 degrees.
My tulips are about to bloom. I can’t protect my whole yard from the heavy frost we will most certainly get.
I love winter and I’m all about a good snowfall and snow cream and snow angels and snow skiing and snowmen, but we didn’t get one and now it’s too late. Move on already. You had your chance. We only have so many days of spring and we need them all. Farmers gotta farm. Gardeners gotta garden. Schnauzers gotta schnauz.
Happy Sunday! Happy Spring! Continue on friends.
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
[tweetthis]Happy Sunday! Happy #FirstDayofSpring! Go away winter. I’m over you. [/tweetthis]
Musical Pairing:
Coldplay, Strawberry Swing
I’m inclined to ask: How does one ‘schnauz’? 🙂
I think I can sum up your feelings about Winter: “Go home, Winter! You’re drunk!” 🙂
Couldn’t agree more! March can be so unpredictable. I’m ready to say goodbye to the cold.
At last! Something clear I can unaddstenr. Thanks!
Dr. Sharon Gurm I’m sure many will be dreaming of wheat at some point in the challenge! I promise you, oatmeal CAN taste really good and be healthy at the same time. Try adding some berries or apple and cinnamon to your oatmeal to give it some more flavour. I’d also add a natural sweetener: try a bit of honey or maple syrup.
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