Today I’m going to answer the question I get asked most these days. And it’s the BEST QUESTION EVER! But first I need to say it—I’m a published author. Today is official release day. I know you’re tired of hearing about it, but I couldn’t let this day pass without some sort of update. This has been a whirlwind week so far with Pop-Up Book Readings all over Fayetteville and planning for both a real book launch party and a virtual party (not that a virtual party isn’t real). Join me HERE tonight from 7-8:30 CST and you’ll see how much fun virtual can be.
Today I thought I’d do a very short Q & A (only one question, see how short?) because I’ve been getting the same question over and over. And seriously, I don’t mind answering any question, especially this one(!), but I may be out of pocket today and here’s the answer all nice and tidy.
Q. How do I buy your book?
A. There are so many ways!
The Accidental Salvation of Gracie Lee is available on-line at Amazon (paperback and Kindle versions), Barnes & Noble (paperback and Nook versions) and Books a Million (paperback). Signed Limited Edition Hardback available via SYP Publishing. (Click on any of these links and you’ll go straight to my book.)
If you aren’t an on-line shopper, books are available to purchase in Fayetteville (Ar) at Nightbird Books and 410 Vintage Market. And That Bookstore in Blytheville (Blytheville, Ar) will have them as well. Hopefully more Indie bookstores will carry it soon.
If you aren’t an on-line shopper and you don’t live in Northeast or Northwest Arkansas, ask your local bookstore to order it for you. They will be happy to do it because it gives them business.
If you see me in person, I’ll sell you one from the trunk of my car and sign it for you.
If you only like to listen to books (Tim Hardin), soon there will be an audio version via Audible. (I just found this out yesterday.)
See all the ways? And thanks for asking. Really, I still can’t believe it.
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
[tweetthis]The question I get asked most often these days. @syppublishing @nightbirdbooks #AccidentalSalvation #newrelease [/tweetthis]
The Beatles, Paperback Writer
So happy I pre-ordered, Talya. Can’t wait!
Exciting times. I’m eager to get my copy. Come on, mailman!
I really enjoyed your virtual book launch, Talya, and learned of a different way to promote my work. So, old dogs DO learn new tricks:) Please check out my books on Amazon:
Raspberry Beret
Opening Pandora’s Box
I Have MS. What’s Your Super Power?
My new YA title will be coming out this spring, hopefully, and I am anxious to really do some promoting since I have abandoned self-publishing for the world of professional publishing house. Have a great day!