Lewis Carroll said, “Man is an animal who writes letters.” Last year I vowed to write 52 handwritten letters. Seemed like a fabulous idea at the time. A few people have asked me how I did with my letter writing. My answer depends upon whether you are a half-full or half-empty sort of person.
I wrote 30. Technically, I fell short of my goal. But in reality I wrote 28 more letters than I probably would have written had I not focused on this goal.
I think that’s good.
The most fun part of my 52 handwritten letter project was getting letters in return, letters from Canada and Slovenia and friends around the country, each a gift in my mailbox.
Three of the letters I wrote were mailed to people who have since passed away. That seems significant to me.
Gracie Lee, the protagonist of my novel, The Accidental Salvation of Gracie Lee, was a letter writer. She penned letter after letter to someone she had never met or seen or spoken to—someone she wasn’t sure even existed. It was important to her, although she didn’t know why.
This year I plan to continue my letter writing campaign without a strict number in mind. When was the last time you wrote a letter? Write me one. I’ll write back:)
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
P.S. I wonder what Lewis Carroll would say today? Man is an animal that loves to send text messages?
[tweetthis]#GracieLee was a letter writer. The results from my 52HandwrittenLetter Project #letters #letterwriters[/tweetthis]
Musical Pairing:
The Box Tops, The Letter
I wrote a letter last week to a woman at a bank in Fort Worth. They wanted my signature. Can you guess what that was all about? I send cards all year, and I always write a little note on them. Does that count?
Yes it does. I love getting all your little notes:)
I love receiving a letter from you last year! I also think you should view your writing 28 letters a big plus. I love receiving letters and sometimes am moved to write one. I especially treasure letters my mom kept from my grandmother, aunts and my brother. Priceless. Write on, my friend!