You know all those silly games we play on Facebook? Like what color is your animal spirit and what tree would you be if you could be a tree? Well, I have a game for you to kick off this hump day. My One Book, New Book Accidental Survey is fun with multiple choice questions and no right or wrong answers except for Number 6. (If you’ve been paying super close attention, you’ll know without consulting the Googler. Otherwise, the correct answer rhymes with Sonora Sheltie.)
There’s no purpose, no ulterior motive, no government monitoring, no prizes, no nothing. Just something fun to do.
Create your own user feedback survey
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
[tweetthis]One Book, New Book—take my Accidental Survey! #justforfun #AccidentalSalvation @syppublishing[/tweetthis]
Musical Pairing:
B-52s, Love Shack
I just got one question. How to I go on with the survey?
Maybe there will be a part two later:)
She said tongue in cheek:) xoxoxo
Aunt Barbara – you got one more than I got. ?