Christmas 2015 isn’t quite over. Today marks the 6th day of Christmas—the six geese a laying day. There are no geese laying eggs around our house but there are two schnauzers warming my feet, and that’s a good thing because, baby, it’s cold outside.
So how’s your Christmas going? Do you declare it over after the gifts are opened? I’m celebrating through Epiphany. No matter your tradition, I hope your Christmas (so far) has been filled with whatever makes it perfect for you. The best part of mine is getting together with family. It’s all about family.
And the coconut cream pie from Del Frisco’s Grill was pretty wonderful, I gotta say. That’s shaved white chocolate on top…
This year, for the first time ever, we went out to dinner on Christmas Eve. New traditions (oxymoronic?) can be good. A little old, a little new. No dishes to wash. Santa doesn’t care if you eat at home or not.
On the day after Christmas, John and I fell into a television hole and watched two straight days of Harry Potter movies. I forgot just how despicable Delores Umbridge was. And I still think J. K. Rowling is brilliant. Her stories are so layered and rich and filled with symbolism. Which is your favorite HP movie?
North Texas received devastating thunderstorms and tornadoes, and the weather was more spring-like than wintery. So many folks lost everything. Some lost their lives. This still weighs heavily on me—another reminder of the importance of family and friends.
I’m back in Fayetteville thinking of all the things I need to do related to gift-returning, list-making, article-writing. But first I think I’ll have another cup of coffee.
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
[tweetthis]How’s your #Christmas2015 so far? @DFGrille[/tweetthis]
Musical Pairing:
Lady Antebellum, Baby, It’s Cold Outside
I’ll have another cup of coffee with you. On this Sixth Day of Christmas I am going to breakfast/brunch with Staci & Taylor at IHOP. “Why, you say?” Just cause.
Just love that picture of your happy family. I bet it becomes a family favorite, maybe even morph into a family heirloom. Eating out sounds wonderful! No dirty dishes to clean up. I left my decorations up and probably won’t put them away for two more weeks because of our travels. Hope the kitties aren’t climbing the tree. Happy New Year!
I love it, too, but I wish that Staci’s twins were in it. They were in Iowa for Christmas. May have to photoshop them in!
Thanks so much for you cute—what else would I expect—-Christmas card. I’m so excited to see what this New Year has in store for you. It just keeps getting better and better. If you love coconut cream pie you should give Miss Pauline’s version a try. Even our 8 yo Perfect Girl says it’s her favorite thing in all the world:) xoxoxo
You’re welcome! I have never tried to make coconut cream pie. Miss Pauline’s version sounds heavenly. Can’t argue with Perfect Girl!