Sunday afternoon a whole swarm of ladybugs came to call. It was the coolest thing and apparently not an uncommon phenomenon for a warm fall day. But I’d never seen anything like it. According to the Farmers’ Almanac, knower of all nature, garden, and moon trivia, a ladybug swarm is not a predictor of oncoming crazy winter weather or good luck (boo), but merely beetles looking for a warm place to hibernate. Apparently they chose us.
They crawled all over our front porch, up the side of the house toward the attic opening in the eaves.
I imagine our attic is filled with ladybugs this morning. So far, they haven’t come into the house. I read that can be a big problem.
I also read these are not true ladybugs but are Multi-Colored Asian Lady Beetles. According to the University of Arkansas Agriculture Department (my go-to local source for all garden related questions), these little ladies eat tons of aphids and other garden pests. They are attracted to light-colored houses which explains why they were on our house and not the neighbors on either side. That, and they knew I’d blog about them.
I scoped it live. If you’d care to watch my dorky video and hear me say, “they’re everywhere!” a zillion times, I’ve included it below.
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
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[tweetthis]#Ladybugs swarming our house in #Fayetteville. I’m gonna take that as a lucky sign. #gardenchat[/tweetthis]
Musical Pairing:
Come on Over to My House, Kansas City Stompers
We had the same thing in Miss County. I believe that is my first to see so many. Thanks for your information on these lady bugs/beetles. I agree on the good luck thing – boo!
Very interesting. I believe that you will have lots and lots of good things happen this next year. The release of your first book, see there. Morning Talya, Johm, Lucy, and Annabelle.
Are they inside the house this morning?
No, no sign of them today.
What would Gracie say about the Lady Bugs?
Gracie would love them!
Bless your heart! LOL We have them swarm us every fall and I not to burst your bubble, but I have grown to hate them. Beware: they bite, they stink and they will get inside of your light fixtures. We have another name for them but I can’t say what it is on here. Hint: B-bugs. We loved watching your video. Hi John, Annabelle and Lucy.
One too many ‘I’ s in there. 🙁
You know you can’t burst my bubble:)
We had a ladybug swarm in Birmingham too!
How interesting! We live right outside of Fayetteville and I had no idea. I need to get out of the rock I’ve been living under sometimes. 😉
You know I love this!
I totally thought of you when it happened!
I love ladybugs, Asian beetles, whatever they are called. Down here in Florida I’ve only seen a swarm of mosquito’s. Not something that one would think was cute. Zelle
Ugh. We have our share of mosquitoes in Northeast Arkansas. Not fun.