A couple of weeks ago, I did a little Thanksgiving decorating using simple things around the house. This week I’m decorating with cotton. As a delta girl, I think cotton is the perfect natural touch for the home. It’s too late to pick it from the fields, so if you missed out or don’t live where cotton is grown, you’ll have to purchase it online or at craft stores. Not quite the real deal, but you’ll get a similar look.
I made a cotton garland by securing cotton stalks and fall branches with florist wire. It gives an autumn feel to the stairs. Secure to the stairs with wire hidden and woven beneath the bolls.
Entryway cotton adds a nice touch.
Although I’m not decorating for Christmas yet, I know lots of folks are. The next pics feature a few ways to incorporate cotton into your holiday decor.
Simple jars filled with cotton.
Trim your silver tree with cotton bolls. If yours is like mine (read=vintage and fragile), it could use a little cotton fluff.
Add cotton bolls to a simple wreath. It’s dreamy.
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
[tweetthis]Add #cotton to your #holiday #decorating for a dreamy #southern look. @ArFB @CountryLiving @DiscoverCotton [/tweetthis]
Musical Pairing:
Roy Orbison, Dream
Clever girl, as always. Have a great weekend.
You too and thanks!
Very nice. I have always decorated with our field corn, soybeans, wheat and oats. Gives it a personal touch.
Thanks, Ruth! I’ve decorated with wheat and soybeans, too.