Put on your Nancy Drew / Hardy Boys hats and think. If you were a bat, where oh where would you hide? Not a real bat (and not my mother, the BAT), but a bag of felt bats. This is the case of the missing Halloween bats.
I made these bats several years ago, and since then, they’ve been my favorite Halloween porch decoration. Pictured above is our Dallas porch, which for the record, I miss Munger Place most at Halloween…
Last October, we were just settling into our new home in Arkansas, so I chalked up the missing bats to overall moving chaos. This October, I’ve declared them LOST. Yesterday I looked everywhere(!) for them. In every drawer, every odd place, every plastic storage bucket in the garage. Everywhere except the exact somewhere I should have looked.
Please tell me this happens to you.
I can clearly picture where they were in our Dallas home. In Fayetteville, they’ve found a better hiding place.
Last summer I had a brief sighting of them. I remember saying, “Oh, look, my bats!” And then apparently left them in their secret hiding place never to be seen again.
Yes, I could make more, and yes, I probably will. We all know as soon as I make more, the original bats will come out of hiding as all hidden things do. I suppose one can’t have too many bats.
Where would you hide if you were a bat? Anyone, anyone?
Time is ticking.
If you’d like to make your own flock of bats, click HERE for my previous post with template and instructions.
I’d love to see pictures of your Halloween decor. Share them on my Facebook page HERE.
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
[tweetthis]Where would you hide if you were a bat? #almostHalloween #flyingbats #craftproject[/tweetthis]
Musical Pairing:
MS MR, All the Things Lost
Enjoyed, good read. Hope you find those bats.
My world exactly!
I have stuff I still haven’t found from my move to Atlanta in 1999. 🙂
(By the way, another musical suggestion for this post: I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For by U2. 🙂 )
In fact, shortly after I moved into my present home in 2001, my mother and her friend came to visit to help me set up things. Chief among these was the kitchen.
In 2009, I finally ran across something they had tucked away in a perfectly OBVIOUS (of course!) place, which I had been looking for pretty much the entire intervening 8 years.
Happens to me when I decide to reorganize. I hope you find them. One question: Can you remember what you were doing when ran across them?