With the kids returning to school, I think it’s only right that we pause for a moment to think about the brilliance of Schoolhouse Rock. In fact, I think most of today’s problems coincide with the demise of Schoolhouse Rock.

Someone needs to bring it back!
See how I added an interjection right there?
Oh, how far we’ve sunk.
Think of all the confusing things today that might be understandable with a catchy Schoolhouse Rock video. Things like 401(k) choices and how to read your AT&T bill. How to program anything (remote control, sprinkler system, the clock on my stove). Or how about explaining the ins and outs of the tax code set to a simple tune?
If you still don’t share my opinion of the brilliance of Schoolhouse Rock, this last catchy video will drive it all home.
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
[tweetthis]The country took a turn for the worse when School House Rock left the building. [/tweetthis]
As your body grows bigger, your mind grows flowers. It’s great to learn ’cause knowledge is power.
Musical Pairing:
This is great. Who would not like it. Makes learning fun. I vote for it!!!!
Not only can I not recite the preamble to the Constitution without singing it, for the longest time, it was how I remembered nouns, verbs, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions, and interjections. Alas, poor preposition got no Schoolhouse Rock love. 🙁
Wow! I was really worried that I missed something as I had never heard of the program! Then I realized that in 1973, I had been married for 2 years. I get your point though, there is definitely something missing. School graduates can’t use math without a calculator, generally can’t write English, and can’t spell!
Are you telling me that you stopped watching Saturday morning cartoons once you got married? 🙂