I have the best news! And if it’s possible to truly walk on sunshine, I’m doing it. Yesterday, I signed a publishing contract with SYP Publishing, a Florida press that specializes in southern authors. Someone pinch me. I have a publisher.
I love the way those four little words feel in my mouth and melt on the tip of my tongue like old-fashioned butter mints, the sort served in a crystal compote at baby showers and weddings.
Know the mints I mean?
♫♫ Wonderful feeling, wonderful day! ♪♫
I plan to enjoy the floating-on-cloud-nine-feeling for as long as it lasts. And, yes, the clichés are flowing in this post, but I can’t help myself. The air is light, the sun is bright, and the view is brilliant.
Right this very second, I want to thank every single person who reads my writing (on-line and print) at Grace Grits, Front Porch Magazine, Winthrop Rockefeller Institute Blog, OnlyinArkansas(dot)com and wherever else I am lucky enough to finagle an article. I am especially grateful to those who stop me in Wal-Mart or tell my Momma at church how much they enjoy my writing. This often keeps me going, and having a following, however modest, has helped me obtain a publishing contract. I truly believe this.
More coming on this later, but for now, I have a publisher, and it feels like one of those Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah days!
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
And p.s. this is for the publication of my first novel…might help if I told you that:)
[tweetthis]Oh my stars, I have a publisher! @SYPPublishing @BookPeople @nightbirdbooks #AccidentalSalvationOfGracieLee [/tweetthis]
Musical Pairing:
Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah (original)
Outstanding! Congratulations, although I feel compelled to remind you that those of us who’ve been entertained by your writing already knew this day was coming. Enjoy this moment and keep writing about those things that you see.
Thank you Bryan. I appreciate your support since Day One of the blog:))
I am excited for you… Congratulations!! You do a great job….
Thanks Marilyn!
I’m SO EXCITED for you! Congrats!
Thank you Marcia. I’ll be picking your brain I’m sure!
I knew it, I knew it……..it was just a matter of time. I am so excited, and I am so proud. TALYA HAS A PUBLISHER!!! Can’t wait to hold her first novel in my hands! It is going to quite a ride. I’m ready.
🙂 I know you are!
I feel your pride Barbara! I am so proud to have Talya as a friend as well as the rest of her family, even if it is a virtual friendship. We will fix that someday. Congratulations to you for raising a beautiful, sweet daughter!
No surprise! Wonderful news and a big congratulations to you! I love reading your stuff because I relate to so much of what you say. Been there, done that is my thoughts as I read. Keep up the good work. God Bless!
Thank you, Linda. That’s a wonderful compliment.
So exciting!! I can’t wait to see what the future holds. I will be glad to travel with you to the book signing events and help! ?
Yeah! So happy. Great news to start the day.
Thank you, Bob!
KERMITFLAIL! That is so awesome! Congratulations! I knew it would happen sooner or later!
Haha! I’m getting a visual of you doing a Kermit Flail:)
So excited for you!!!!! I have been telling people about your stories and articles. Yes girl do a dance!!
Thanks for spreading the word, Shelly!
Congratulations! Although I have never formally met you , I feel like I know you very well! I know your mother is proud of you, as she should be. Love your mom and hope to meet you someday. (I am Morris’ sister)
Thank you, Donna. Were you in the house for the snake episode?? LOL.
Happy, happy news, Talya. I know you’ve worked long and hard for this! Congratulations!
I’m so happy for you Talya. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!
Hard work pays off……. and I’m sure you will have great success 🙂
Thank you, Winnie!
Great news!
Thank you, Lyn. I appreciate your support!
So happy for you! Congratulations! xoxo
Thanks Molly!!
Was there ever any doubt? Can’t wait!
Maybe not for you – LOL. Tricky business…
Congratulations Tayla!!! We are so proud of you and very happy for you. Your writing makes reading worth the time spent and you have the ability to really “speak” to readers of all kinds. You speak of the simple things that add up to life worth living and well spent. Thank you for touching my heart.
Thank you for your kind words, Cheryl. So sweet.
How wonderful! Best wishes to a woman of talent!
Thank you so much, Jo.
Talya, your excitement is contagious and your writing is addictive. No kidding. There are few blog sites I visit just for the excellence in writing, but yours is one of them. <3 So happy for you!
Wow, thank you Katharine. Such a wonderful compliment!
Talya,, I’m so happy for you.. Your mom told me this morning at Church, she was extatic as I know you are.. I know you’ve worked timelessly on this project, hard work pays off, You go girl nowhere but to the top…Love you and family..
Wonderful! Congratulations! Now you have writing, edits, more writing, galleys, etc to look forward to in the future. 😉
Thank you Linda. Exciting!
How exciting! So proud of you! Most assuredly well deserved!
Thanks, Dorothy. I certainly appreciate all your support of my writing!
Get out there and show us how it’s done! 🙂
Thanks, lady:)
Awesomenth!!! You’ve put in the hours and hours and hours and hours of work + you’ve definitely got the talent = getting published!!! I’m so very proud of you, Talya, and I can hardly wait to buy my first official TTB book and have it autographed, of course!!! However, as for me, and you know me…I’ll have the book put away for ‘prosperity’ purposes, and sit back and wait on my first official TTB book on CD….okayokayokay…I don’t think I can wait until the CD version is released, so I know I’ll have to read the actual book first, then!…put it up for ‘prosperity’ reasons. Aaaand, when the first official TTB movie version is made from your book…well…anyhow, as you can tell, I have your future planned out for you, too!!! And lastly, have I told you how PROUD of you I am, lately?!!! Awesome to the nth degree!!! Way.to.GO!!!
You’re so hilarious and thank you. Thank you very much (in my best Elvis voice).
I will be at the book signing in Blytheville!!!!! Can hardly wait!!!!
Congratulations on your one year anniversary. It has been a wonderful year for you and Gracie. For Anne too. So proud.
Congratulations Talya you were born to do this, we are all so proud of you.