Hey. I’ve been out of town. The girls (Lucy and Annabelle) and I took a little road trip to Texas. I saw my niece perform in her high school musical—always a fun thing!—ate at some of my favorite restaurants, saw the Dallas Mavericks lose to the Memphis Grizzlies, and hung out with a few friends. Now we are back in Fayetteville, which by the way, is in full spring bloom. Gorgeous!
Since I can’t think of anything clever to say, I’ll share a few pictures of the weekend.
I love seeing a random balloon floating on the water or sailing through the sky. And I saw one in Las Colinas.
John and I took the dogs for a walk along Campion Trail smack dab in Las Colinas near a branch of the Trinity River. Nice! Annabelle promptly picked up THREE ticks. Not so nice!
Campion Trail, Las Colinas
We had fantastic seats at the Dallas Mavericks game (my Mother’s Christmas gift to John). Even though the Mavs forgot to show (rude), we had a great time. Riding the Dart rail to ACC felt very urban and eliminated the whole parking thing. I had a huge, ice cold beer and a yummy hot dog, so all was not lost. Plus, the Grizzlies are my backup team anyway.
We spent time with good friends in our old Munger Place neighborhood. Lucy and Annabelle enjoyed seeing their buddy, Chester, who kept a lookout for the Scalini’s pizza man.
Yes, we drove by our house which I must say makes me cringe a little. The front room, which was painted a soothing (to us) paint color has been replaced with red raspberry that glows like a beacon down Worth Street. To each her own.
How was your weekend?
[tweetthis]Roadtripping. #WeeklyVenture @DallasMavs @lascolinastex #CampionTrail @sarahshotts[/tweetthis]
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
Musical Pairing:
Dallas Mavs Run DMC
Nice pictures. I wish we were in full spring bloom here but today it is cloudy, cold, and colorless.
Glad your trip was full of fun–except for ticks. Love the picture of Chester. Raspberry door, hmmm.
Yes those ticks were something else. We walk around in the woods here in Fayetteville with no problem and get attacked by them in the city. Go figure!