When I decided hey, I’m gonna write a book, I had no idea the amount of research that would be involved. Researching. Writing. Sitting around eating Jiffy Pop helps me keep it real. It’s all part of the deal I made when I set out on this adventure. One leads to another, Sunday melts into Monday, and shockingly it’s March. A year later. And I’m still working on “my book”. What began as memoir has morphed into fiction and taken me on a path I never imagined, even though I’m the person doing the imagining. Crazy how that works.
The setting for my story is part of me. The place I grew up during the time I grew up. 1972. And even though I lived that time and place, research is a big part of my project. Making sure I have the description, sound, smell, feel of a specific place or object accurate for 1972, that’s imperative. I want my readers to see through my eyes. Feel what I feel. Taste the Jiffy Pop.
Mark Twain said Don’t say the old lady screamed. Bring her on and let her scream. That’s what I’m trying to do. Letting the old lady to scream takes work and time and research and remembering.
A sample of the things I’ve researched the last few days: Watergate, Chinese finger trap, phases of the moon in 1972, Memphis cotton trade, Mark Spitz. Just your regular, run-of-the-mill, 1970s stuff.
Sometimes I listen to seventies music while I write. Sonny & Cher. Tony Orlando and Dawn. Marvin Gaye. Yes I do. That takes me back to my groovy cassette player as quickly as anything. (I loved that thing. I hated that thing. It ate more tape than it ever played.)
Saturday I even made Jiffy Pop. Jiffy Pop was a weekend tradition at our house. Shaking that pan over the flame, hearing the kernels sizzle, then seeing the foil expand like a balloon (more quickly than I remembered) made that memory as real as it could be forty years later, plus it was a fun snow day activity.
Now, back to writing. If anyone needs me, knock three times on the ceiling, but only if you’re bleeding (to quote my friend Laurie Reichart).
Happy Monday.
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
[tweetthis]Writing, research and eating #JiffyPop to keep it real. #writingabook #fiction #1970s[/tweetthis]
Knock Three Times, Tony Orlando with Jimmy Fallon & Will Forte (sorry Dawn)
“The challenge of the writer is to transform—artistically and imaginatively—a unique personal experience into a universal, meaningful story.”
― Hillel F. Damron
That was great! Loved the musical pairing. I can’t wait to hold your book in my hands!
I’m tasting the Jiffy pop!
Love the memories that come with your stories, they are as precious as gold, and increase in value with age….thank you!
Sounds like you are doing it absolutely right! I’m looking forward to reading your book.
Your research sounds much more manageable than what I’m having to do for my current project: orbital mechanics, Dyson spheres, time delay in communication between various objects in space, light sails.
Maybe I need to write something set in the real world. 🙂
So many memories! Jiffy Pop was too much fun! I’m gonna get some for the grands:). I want an autographed copy of the book. It’s been an incredible journey, I know.