I’m excited to be guest posting at A Love Letter to Adventure today, an incredible blog written by my friend Sarah Shotts. Sarah is an amazing photographer, an adventurer, a traveler. I like to think of Sarah as a younger, more exciting version of myself.
I’m a homebody. Sarah’s a world traveler. I love to take pictures. With my iPhone. She’s a real photographer with a fancy camera. She knows all about shutter speed and things like that.
Maybe I’ll get a camera this year? It could happen.
But the thing is, no matter who we are or where we travel (or don’t travel), we all have stories to tell.
Anyway. Several months ago, she asked me to guest post for her. I totally forgot what I wrote, but ta-da! HERE IT IS.
I hope you’ll read so she’ll ask me back:)
Happy Sunday friends!
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
[tweetthis url=”http://bit.ly/1Kyud0i”]If you don’t tell your stories, who will? @sarahdshotts [/tweetthis]
And now, check out today’s Musical Pairing. Everything about this video is a story…
Lynn Anderson – I’ve Been Everywhere
I think you are PLENTY exciting. Maybe you two aren’t the same in age, but you’re probably a lot more alike than you think. You are so right when you say that everyone has a story to tell–that is what I love about food. Even people who think they aren’t writing stories or sharing history–that a plate of fried chicken is just a plate of fried chicken–they’re telling us so much about their heritage, their heart…
Can’t wait to read!
Thanks Georgeanne! Yes I agree. Food tells a story. I love old family recipes so Sarah and I definitely have that in common.
Tom is a great one to tell stories. He and his brother sit around and talk about the same old stories year after year and they get bigger and better all the time. You are a great story teller yourself.
Awesome read, Talya!!!…as always!!! I’ve often thought about keeping a journal recording stories from my life…perhaps, now, after your wise words of inspiration…I will…someday.=)