Week two living in Fayetteville…I feel more unpacked and settled in with more time to write. And that’s nice! Here are a few of last week’s simple pleasures.
Clouds. Monday night I joined a group of Northwest Arkansas Blogger friends for dinner at The Depot. Walking to meet them, I stopped to take a picture of this incredible cloud hovering over Dickson Street. It was a huge cloud—the only cloud in a clear sky. After I took the picture I decided it was in the shape of a razorback. Do you agree?
Birds. The birds found my bird feeder. After a week of no feathered visitors, I can’t tell you how excited this made me. Yesterday three fat cardinals fed at the same time. Of course I didn’t have time to get a picture of them, but this little guy posed for me. So cute.
New Friends. My sister-in-law and her friends, Stella and Barbara, have welcomed in right into their weekly dinner group, and it feels like I’ve been there all along. (I have been a regular visitor during the past year, but my attendance has been very sporadic.) Tuesday night Barbara made chicken pot pie and an assortment of appetizers and salads. Talk about comfort food… these ladies know how to do it up! I get to host in two weeks. Yay. What to cook?
Rain and Cooler Temperatures. We finally received much needed rain. The front brought cooler temperatures. Much cooler. Like a low of 38 degrees Saturday morning. Brrrrr!
Junkin & Pumpkins. I went junkin with my writer friend Laurie who blogs at Junque Rethunque and See Laurie Write. Such a fun day (more coming on this later). Even before I arrived at The Junk Ranch (really how can you not love that name?), I got a thrill simply driving past pumpkin patches in Prairie Grove. Those fat orange pumpkins sitting in the fields caught my eye, and I know the Great Pumpkin is waiting out there somewhere.
What simple pleasures did you enjoy recently?
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
Did you miss last week’s post?
The cloud does indeed look like a Razorback! I hope to meet you at one of the NWARK bloggers meet-ups within the next couple of months. I couldn’t make this last one due to last-minute changing of plans that had to be taken care of.
I’m glad you see it too! Yes, I’m sure we will meet soon:)) Love those meet ups.
Love all the pics! I missed Junk Ranch this time around. Good thing they do it twice a year.
It was so much fun. We should get a blogger group together to go in the spring. Fun!
Love all the pics! I missed Junk Ranch this time around. Good thing they do it twice a year.
I am selfishly glad to have you in NWA! But another simple pleasure this week is having an excuse to wear boots and leggings. I love fall. 🙂
I agree! Yay for cooler temps and fall clothes.
I think the cloud looks kind of like a hippo from below. But maybe because I’m not a Razorback. 🙂
Love your pictures and see that you’re settling in as if you’ve always been there!
My simple pleasures this week include seeing YOU, receiving a new (old) book from you, seeing my two lovely granddaughters, daughter, and son in law! Thanks for the hospitality and the tour of your lovely home!
I gasped and grumbled when I saw those backward books. I think someone has to be backward in their literary sensibilities to do that to a labor of word love. How relieved to read you didn’t succumb to this insensitive trend! Your shelves look great. I too organize books by genre or category. Tell me more about David Harrington. See you at OCW Thurs. Do you take an auction item? Who do we give it to? Hubby is coming with his road bike. Are you going to H-P in Nov?
My favorite simple pleasure is almost always a good cup of tea. 🙂