What’s everyone doing this weekend?
I’ll be packing. I’ve been packing for two days, and I’m still packing books. How ridiculous. And yes, I’ve already driven a trunk load to Half-Price Books. Stephen King or John Grisham or some author whose work is filling our shelves should pitch in for the cost of our extremely HEAVY moving truck. Yes, we are book hoarders. Always have been. Always will be.
I read that you should only move books that are a) rare, b) have sentimental value, or c) will be read again. With these rules in mind, we still have enough books to lay end to end from Dallas to Fayetteville. That sentimental value rule gets me every time.
The process is sloooowwww because I find books that necessitate stopping, reading, studying. The old book pictured below came from the Keiser High School Library. Obviously I didn’t steal it because according to the due date card, the return date was “Never Ever” (mysteriously in my handwriting).
Do you remember the post “Things I Don’t Need More of Even If I Live To Be 104”? Add to the list Christmas Cards! I have discovered sacks and sacks of brand new cards stuck away in closets or cabinets. I snagged them at after-Christmas sales. A word of advice…buying something on sale never to be used is not a deal.
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
Smashing Pumpkins, Drown
This I understand! As you know, I’ve moved, well, a LOT. And I divest myself of many books each move. Then I buy more. Then the NEXT time we move, I go through the process again. In the new place, I’ll think, “Now, where is (name of book I sold)?” When I remember, I just smack myself in the forehead!
Here’s to a nice long stay in your new/old home, and to all the books you’ll acquire there!
Happy hoarding! I find nothing wrong with your logic.
Love the post. Enjoy hoarding books to read and nothing beats the joy of holding a book in one’s hand to read. To me, its happiness:)
Thank you. Books = happiness to me too:)
Oh, Talya. I am SO with you….I, too, am a book hoarder. And I, too, have a huge collections of King’s books, that grows and grows…..Maybe this is why I keep putting off placing my house on the market. Dread the Moving.
It took me a full year to get all of my books up here and never felt fully move in til they were. So many memories. 🙂 Book hoarders unite!
Sarah, I hope it doesn’t take me a year – LOL!
I love this post!!! I’m so with you on the whole book hoarding thing! I love my books, I rarely get rid of them. Especially love the book from the Keiser Elementary library!! I have a few of those kind of books too!!! Yikes! Does that make me a felon??? Shhhh!!!!
I had that problem with Christmas cards. I finally solved the problem by keeping them with the Christmas decorations and only buying discounted cards while my decorations were still out. Once in storage, nothing else for that holiday can be purchased! Good luck with the move!
Great idea Helen! Maybe I can remember to do this when I pack up my decorations this year.
We are book hoarders too! Dallas will miss you, don’t forget us all!
I’ll take some Christmas cards off your hands! I always think about buying them when they’re on sale, but then don’t want to store them (I’m an anti-hoarder, to the max. A purger, in fact) so then I never get around to sending them out. Boo! And you can never have too many paper books. Fact.
Deal! Except that I’ve already packed them in a box and they are on a moving truck:)
Of course not! I love Dallas too:)