I’ve always been a list maker.
When I was a kid, I kept a list of all the books I owned, books I had read, and books I planned to read on a piece of notebook paper in the front of my binder. In alphabetical order, of course, which meant I was always rewriting it. I think in a way, this list making routine was a form of collecting for me. Collecting the names of books.
Maybe I should have been a librarian?
Even today, I have a strong urge to buy an old wooden card catalog case. It would make a nice place to store seeds packets. Or a catalog of book names, not that I have one anymore.
Really, I don’t.
But I do have To-Do lists.
Since we started this process of moving from Texas to Arkansas, I start a new list every morning, adding and marking off as I go throughout the day. I admit sometimes I add things I know I will 100% do, just to have something to mark off. Like the dentist. Last week when I had a dentist appointment, I added “go to the dentist” to the list so I would absolutely have something to mark off that night.
The whole marking something off is satisfying.
Each morning I rewrite the list, including those things I didn’t accomplish plus new items. There are always new items. I’m not sure what any of this says about me, but I do stay organized.
Are you a list maker?
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
Paul Simon, Rewrite
I am definitely a list maker! And I have been dreaming of owning my own card catalog for AGES. They are so gorgeous and libraries don’t use them anymore. 🙁 I also used to catalog the books I owned and read, but on little index cards I kept in a plastic index card box. Not sure where those went off to. 🙂 Nowadays I make lists in my planner and in notebooks. I’d be lost without ’em!
I am a list maker and I understand completely the feeling of getting to mark something off the list. I am happy to say that I got all the items on my ‘day off’ list checked off yesterday.
Good for you Dot! I didn’t make a list today and feel overwhelmed:)
Back when I was using a Franklin Planner daily, I was an avid list-maker. But then I moved to a job where I did mostly the same thing every day, and the list had just one or two entries. So I slacked.
I’ve never gotten back into the habit, although I’ve tried several times. There is something very satisfying about putting a checkmark (or an X) next to an item. 🙂
100% list maker! Food diary/water intake/to do list/blog planner/correspondence updates all go on my daily docket. I am not persnickety about much, but ain’t nobody messin’ with my lists! 😉
sadly I am a list maker, I feel your pain/satisfaction about them as well, thanks for encouraging the rest of us to talk about it! Great one. ps if you know where a card catalog is, let me know.
Thanks Bryan. I see them occasionally at antique stores:))
I am with you on the lists! And I love that wood card catalog!!! Such a wonderful blog you have here friend!!! I look forward to journeying along with you! Nicole xo
Thanks Nicole and thank you for commenting.
I, too, am a list maker. It’s the only way I can stay organized, and I write everything on them so I can mark off things to feel a sense of accomplishment. Right now, I have three lists going: one for home & Gladys, one for church responsibilities and one for Christian writers group. I’m mostly working off the home one this week, just made the others so I won’t forget something important! Without them, I’m lost!
I don’t think this was meant to be funny but seriously I laughed (at myself) all the way through because I can so relate to your list making. Have you ever completed a task and then quickly added it to your list just so you could scratch it off? I have to admit I have. Sickness??? I have a list of books (in a word document) that I have read and then I have my Book Babes list of books to read and then I have my messy folder with post’em notes stuck all over it with books I might want to check out at the library. The housework list gets the least attention these days. I write it down but have a hard time scratching things off. Grocery list, Friends of the Library list, quotes to remember list, email list, on and on and on. 🙂
haha glad you enjoyed it:))
So how did I have four children in four different schools, a husband with a full time profession, teach high school half days, and run a French antique import business? Lists! Couldn’t live without them…and what a feeling to see a check mark next to everything on the day’s list (but that didn’t happen often!)
Oh wow! I thought two kids in two different schools was hard plus working full time. Thank goodness for lists!