My second deal in two days went down yesterday. Yes, I have a new, short-term line of business. A quick way to turn a buck. $70 so far! No, I’m not selling drugs although it may have appeared that way to my neighbors.
A stranger parked in front of the house, knocked on the door, handed me money for goods. Fast.
I’m talking about Pokemon.
The lifetime of electronic gaming equipment abandoned by our son and hidden away in his closet for years… I refuse to haul it to Fayetteville, so I’m selling it on Craigslist (with his permission of course).
Pokemon is huge people.
I made enough money on the yellow Pikachu Gameboy cartridge to buy Thai for two with leftover food and money. Yellow Pokemon for Yellow Curry Chicken. Winner, Winner!
Now if only Beanie Babies would become a hot commodity.
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
Musical Pairing:
Donna Summer – She Works Hard for the Money
Who knew they were back!!
Much of Phil’s Pokémon toys were thoroughly used up, he enjoyed them so much. When he was 10 we had a yellow cat named Pikachu and we went to the Pokémon club every week at Books-a-Million.
Thanks for the memory.
OH MY GOODNESS! I need to start digging through my kids closets. They left all of that kind of stuff here when they moved out. I know there is a lot of Pokemon goodies stashed in there! Did you ask your son before you posted on Craigslist?
Yes you do! Look specifically for Pokemon and Zelda. Pokemon cards are big again too. Yes, I got my son’s permission:))
Some of that Pokemon stuff sells for a TON on Ebay. My brother had like 2 cards that are hard to find I guess? It is crazy!
*giggles* Its funny how things come back around to being “hot commodities” again! I’m sure beanie babies will have their come back time too!
A couple of our grandsons were big into Pokemon. Glad you could sell it.