Childhood drives through the Ozarks happened only in summer when our perfect lake was surrounded by fifty shades of green with black-eyed Susans dotting the roadside. Lately it seems, I spend more time in the Ozarks during fall and winter. Fall is the most brilliant time of the year. The mountains are alive, and the very landscape provides inspiration. I appreciate winter too. The grace and gray of a cold Ozark morning provides a calm, serene backdrop for writing.
But yesterday as I drove to Eureka Springs, I realized I’ve never visited the Ozarks during early spring. And I have a good reason…spring is the best time not to leave Dallas. Dallasites know to soak up spring in Texas before summer settles in, hangs on, wrings every drop of energy from every living thing. Even so, I left a breezy 75 degree spring Dallas morning and headed to the Writer’s Colony at Dairy Hollow.
Sometimes writers need to get away to write.
My writer friend Tom from New Hampshire joined me which made the drive more entertaining. We talked about writing because we are addicted. We stopped in Oklahoma and took pictures of random things. Because that’s what addicted bloggers do.
Spring has even found Oklahoma.
We made a quick stop in Fayetteville mainly so I could lay eyes on my handsome son. Driving into our Fayetteville driveway, I received a delightful welcome back surprise from Mother Nature…tulips! In the two years John and I have owned this house, we’ve never seen evidence of tulips.
The Fayetteville I’d begun only to think of as fiery orange and red was painted the colors of Easter. Pink redbuds decorated the mountainside. Clumps of daffodils blossomed thick along sidewalks and along highways. Sprays of forsythia bloomed underneath giant oaks. It was hard to concentrate on the road. (Especially with Tom snoozing…)
We made it to Eureka Springs just in time for supper. And believe me, mealtime at Dairy Hollow is not something to miss. Our friend Dorothy (from Little Rock) was already checked in and writing. After an amazing meal, Tom disappeared to write while Dorothy and I sat on the deck overlooking a hollow (THE hollow I suppose). We enjoyed a glass of wine and discussed how blessed we are to spend time at this magical place, especially in spring.
Grace Grits and Gardening
“That is one good thing about this world…there are always sure to be more springs.”
― L.M. Montgomery
I can’t be there for another month and six days. lol. Tell Tom and Dorothy hello for me please. Next time you drive through Oklahoma, gives me a heads-up. I know you don’t get near Ada, but I could meet you somewhere and would live to buy you lunch.
Thanks Jen! Maybe our Dairy Hollow paths will cross again in the near future.
Looks great! I’m enjoying one of our few breezy mornings reading by the pool with my coffee. Have a great week!
Beautiful pics, Tayla!!
Thanks Michelle!
digging the pics, especially the redbud tree, have to get me one because that’s truly when spring has arrived for me!
I wish I had a redbud tree in Dallas… Thanks Bryan!
There is nothing ore beautiful than the Ozarks coming to life after a long brutal winter. When I would drive to Winslow from Fayetteville, the sight of colour on the hills was enough to lift me out of the darkness and remind me that there can be new beginnings!
So true! Thanks Hope.
Enjoy your stay in the Ozarks and write, write, write!
What gorgeous photos and a promising weekend of writing. Enjoy!
Wow! gorgeous post…..I love these spring colours!
Thank you!
I remember back in the 80’s and then again in the 90’s when we took a drive up in the Ozarks. WOW – such a beautiful place. I hope to do it again next month when I go to the SoFabCon.
Gorgeous!! And spring is definitely my favorite season, no matter where I’ve lived!
I love spring and fall – can’t really choose between the two.
It truly is beautiful out there!
Yes it is! Thanks:))
Looks like spring is treating you right. A lot of my flowers bloomed too early and died this year.
Eureka Springs is getting a hard freeze tonight. The flowers will suffer:(