Raise your hand if you thought spring would never arrive! I know, me too. In Dallas I’ve learned to really appreciate spring because summer brings challenges I’d rather not think about like trying to keep plants alive in blistering days of drought. But right now I’m celebrating cool nights and perfect days, days of front porches, a good book and a glass of white wine.
Okay I’m rambling, but I do have a point, and that point is how simple spring decorating can be. With only a few dollars (or zero dollars) you can transform your home from dull and uninspired to fresh and inviting using items around your house and plants growing in your garden.
Take a look at the centerpiece (below) I arranged for my dining room table. For five dollars, I purchased a bouquet of white gerber daisies at Trader Joe’s and created this natural look using Fostoria goblets (handed down from John’s Godmother) centered inside an antique picture frame layered over a plaid runner that covers my table almost year-round.
The next arrangement is so basic I almost didn’t include itโa crystal vase filled with budding branches. Take advantage of theย many trees and shrubs in full bloom now.ย Forsythia, Redbud, Dogwood, Spirea, Azalea… Snip a few buds or branches from your own yard, alley or roadside. Or maybe your neighbor will share? Ask first of course.
The vintage glass basket (candy dish?) which belonged to my mother-in-law makes a sweet and aromatic arrangement of herbs and flowers from the garden. Only a few snips and it is filled. Keep it nearby in the kitchen, and you won’t forget to use your herbs when cooking supper.
Bring spring indoors by placing dogwood blooms in vintage drinking glasses. Clean, classic, timeless.
If you are a regular reader, you probably already know I have a love for dandelions. This casual looks is perfect for outdoor spring entertaining.
What are your favorite spring decorating ideas?
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
[tweetthis]Sometimes not much is just enough. #Simple #spring #decor. [/tweetthis]
โSometimes not much is just enough.โ
โย John O’Callaghan
Musical Pairing:
Joss Stone: The Simple Things
Your blog is so peaceful. It makes me want to stay here in the shade and rest…while I read of course! ๐
Thank you Debbie! Nice to hear:)
Hey! They are beautiful flowers and I would love to experience Spring. Cheers to the heart warming post n positive energy:)
Thank you!
My favorite is the vintage drinking glasses as vases. So pretty!
LOVE it Talya! So simple, so easy, so elegant!
all good but I actually like the dandelions most, although dogwoods close second,
If anything was blooming in our yard, my mother made a simple bouquet for the table. My dad had a green thumb so there usually was some mixture of flowers there. Right now I have some pansies on my kitchen window sill that came out accidently when I was weeding Sat. Can’t believe they are still pretty. I love all the different blossoms and presentations in your post. I think I recognize those vintage glasses with dogwood stems! Very nice.
So pretty. I love useful and pretty decorations.
Thanks! So much more natural and that’s what I like!
The dogwood in the glasses are lovely.
Personally, my favorite spring decorating is to change out the decorative pillows on our couches to brighten up the room and change the feel.
Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday.
We’re decorating soul sisters! I love scoping out the glassware at thrift stores for unusual containers. Don’t have any family treasures? Find your own for a couple of bucks!
What beautiful centerpieces! Thanks so much for sharing!
Thank you!
I love to bring in a handful of lily of the valley when they first begin to bloom. Don’t forget pussy willows. The vintage drinking glasses with dogwood blooms are beautiful. It is all beautiful but those are my favorite.