“White wine, please.” She sits at the end of the bar and blends in with the other faceless people. She is alone. Alone and lonely yet surrounded by laughter and dancing and music so loud the wine vibrates in her glass. Everything feels forced—the energy in this place, the smiles plastered all around, even her breathing—inhale, exhale. She takes a sip, feels the coolness slip down her throat and silently toasts the New Year. Things can only get better…
“Bourbon rocks.” He claims the next stool. The faint smell of his cologne almost invokes a memory, but not quite.
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
This post was written especially for Write Tribe – 100 Words on Saturday, Prompt: Strangers in the Night.
Musical Pairing:
Frank Sinatra, Strangers in the Night
Very good. Intriguing..
Oh my! This must have a sequel!
Hmmm, I’ll have to think on that. Thanks Colene!
Oh my! This needs a sequel!
“Things can only get better..” well said!:)
Thank you!
Things can only get better indeed!
Thank you Nabanita!
You must finish this. I need to know what happens…
haha thanks!
I really wanted this little story to continue! What happened with the dark, handsome stranger that smelled divine?? Brilliant job! ♥
Thanks Kathy!
I am intrigued!…and curious about the first morning of the new year!!
me too Lyn! Thanks!
Oh, what will happen next! Don’t leave us hanging! 🙂
Wonderful opening and terrific bridge to part “next.” Well done!
Very interesting!
Another good one that one want to read more. Very nice.
I’m definitely intrigued! I’d love to see where this goes next!! 🙂
I agree with the others above – you must continue this! Well written!
Hope things get better 🙂
Well done! I agree that it could definitely be the beginning of a story, but it’s terrific just as it stands.
Thanks Dorothy:)
Interesting take and calls for a second part to put an end to the mystery.
Seems so familiar, she could be me. 😛
Beautifully expressed. Subtle.
This could be the first lines of a new book………….
So many book ideas, so little time.
Loneliness and faceless people seem to be an unfortunate way of life these days for many individuals. White wine and bourbon may help numb their pain but rarely is it the answer. Life is grim, life is grand, it’s all a state of mind. We’re over half way thru the year. How, may I ask, has it faired for her thus far? Hopefully her glass is half full versus half empty. Let us know please, enquiring minds are curious.
Well, Muffett, since this was completely fiction written in response to a prompt, I can’t say I’ve thought any more about this lonely person. So let’s assume all is well and much improved for her:)
Great answer Talya! It’s nice to know she’s doing well these days 😉
I absolutely love reading your blog. You have a way of transferring to paper many thoughts that are in my head … perhaps it’s an Arkansas country girl thing. Thank you so much for sharing and I’m sincerely looking forward to buying and reading your book once it’s published.
Remember the summer of ’75 at cheerleading camp when we lost Debbie Cunningham. We were in the downstairs lobby of the dorm and couldn’t find her anywhere, and crunched for time to go eat before tryouts. The elevator door opens and she’s standing inside holding up a key and yells, “I FORGOT MY KEY”! Then, she leaves her retainer on her food tray and dumps it along with her food. Anita had a sun stroke and had to go home early. Becky sat on her suitcase and squashed it flat. We all forgot the cheer and cried during the middle of our tryout so that instructor guy named Dan gave us an Excellent ribbon. That was one fulfilled memorable week I’ll never forget – with the exception of Anita’s sun stroke.
I feel so much better now and thinking seriously about having a glass of white wine later this evening 😀
Those cheerleader camp days were the best, homemade outfits and all! I don’t remember Anita’s sun stroke. I thought she sprained her ankle. Maybe that was a different year – LOL. I do remember the Debbie Cunningham incident. haha. We were always after that elusive spirit stick.