People are funny. Not ha-ha funny but interesting funny. Not interesting-cool but interesting-strange.
Okay, people are strange. Strange as in when you open your house to the general public for home tour, you can never predict what folks will do or say.
My husband and I enjoy participating in home tour. Living in a historic neighborhood, we feel a certain obligation to share the history with others. Plus being on home tour is a great incentive for deep cleaning and getting those ignored projects completed.
One of the best parts of the experience is visiting with the interesting-cool people who walk through with their own stories about growing up in Old East Dallas. Sometimes previous homeowners show up with old photos to share, “photos that really belong to the house,” they say. A few years ago, a prior owner attended and explained the history behind our stained glass window at the bottom of the stairs. These are exciting moments.
While the majority of people are respectful and courteous, a handful feel the price of admission gives them access into messy cabinets and behind closet doors as though our house is for sale. As though they can’t decide where to store their own Christmas decorations…
Doors marked ‘private please’ and/or roped off are the first to be opened.
(Note to guests….these doors are restricted for your safety. Why do you think the house looks so tidy? When you open such a door, a tower of crap stacked to the rafters will likely crash down.)
The oddest thing that happened yesterday—three different people opened the piano and began playing…banging really, while the house was filled with people. Who does this?
The strangest question I received yesterday…”This is the place we come to use the bathroom, right?” Huh?
Munger Place Days 2013 was a great success! Special thanks to all the sponsors and everyone who came out to spend a gorgeous fall weekend with us. And to the people who opened my messy utility room door—yes, I’m going to finish my laundry right now…
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
Musical Pairing:
People Are Strange, The Doors
You are a brave woman!! I can’t imagine someone entering a place clearly marked private. And I have no idea what it is about a piano that begs people to plunk on it, but I have noticed people just can’t seem to contain themselves around one!
I have to admint I’m a would-be piano plunker…except that I was raised better. So I lust after them, but keep my hands off. Ya hafta laugh, if only to keep from crying. Talya , where’s the link to “People are Strange” by The Doors? I looked and looked, expecting it!
It’s there – you didn’t see it? Perfect song!
It’s there today. Guess it just didn’t pop up at first! Yup – Perfect!
Gorgeous stained-glass window. I might have to host a Christmas party–for the two reasons you mentioned– deep cleaning and finishing projects. My former plaster ceiling is now partially visible because some of the fiber-board (?) squares have fallen. I loved seeing John doing the cake walk.
Thank you Pat. I hope you’ll come visit soon! The cakewalk was a big hit. Everyone loves a cakewalk…
Hi Talya, I won one of your momma’s cakes in a Keiser Fall Festival walk-a-thon. I don’t remember the year but I certainly remember that delicious cake!
Oh my goodness! First of all, you’re really brave, Talya. And second, you deserve a prize for your patience. I would have slapped the first pair of hands opening the piano!
And I hope you’ll share the story of the lovely stained glass window soon.